We Like To Swing

After School Activities 

Ok, I mean after work activities here. There are SO MANY things I have to do when I get home from work at 1800. Our German Shepherd Abby sheds enough every single day to make a whole new German Shepherd, so the first thing I need to do is sweep and vacuum. There are bottles for the next day to be made, animals to feed, dishes to do, dinner to eat-and if I'm lucky I'll eat it sitting down, and about a billion other things on my list. But despite the menial tasks I need to do to maintain a clean house and keep things going for the next day, I refuse to just plop Jellybean in some bouncer (even though he loves it) to entertain himself. I make an effort to interact with my kiddo, and one of his all time favorite things to do is swing. 

Swinging The Afternoon Away  

Everyday, before the chores, we go straight to the backyard, strap the kiddo into the swing, and hang out. I make silly noises, Jellybean enjoys the breeze on his face, and we both watch the ducks in the bay and take a minute to just be mom and Jellybean.....and Abby of course. I tell him about my day, he smiles, and it's such a relaxing way to unwind before I get to my to do list. By the time I finally put my feet up for the day, I'm glad I took advantage of every opportunity to bond with my son. They say babies thrive on routine, and that routine in the Moran house definitely includes hanging out on the swing. 

We love the breeze coming from the water, but staying warm is
pretty important too! 

I can't get enough of these adorable little feet! 

Sharing sweet moments with my son is the highlight of my day. 


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