My Six Month Old Baby

Where has the time gone? 

SIX MONTHS? Are you kidding me? It's been a half a year already? Is it sad that I'm already bummed that I have  17.5 years left until he's out of the house and on his own? Matt says I spend too much time focusing on the future and not enough time in the now- that's pretty accurate. Even though time seems to have flown by, I have a difficult time imagining a life without him. Motherhood fills a hole I didn't know I had, fulfills a dream I wasn't aware of, and brings a joy my heart had no idea ever existed. 
Every month we take a picture next to this bear from Brittany.
The hat she found on Etsy to go with my vintage aviator theme.
I found these monthly stickers on Amazon- thanks again to Pinterest for the idea! 

At six months Jellybean in an excellent....tummy timer. He can sit up on his own just fine, but this kid of mine HATES it. He will lean back, lay down, and roll over. If there's something providing back support, he'll thrust his hips up until he scoots down far enough to lay down, and of course, roll over. At least he knows what he wants and fights for it. The ladies at daycare *gush* about how lucky I am to have such a "chill" baby. Apparently he's one of the most laid back kiddos they've seen so, thanks for making mama's life that much easier Jellybean! I will admit that he's pretty easy to please unless he's hungry or tired. Entertaining this kid is definitely a piece of cake, and most of the time he's content staring off into space with a thumb in his mouth.  I have to wonder what in the world that kid of mine could possibly be thinking about in his young age. 

At six months Jellybean is a drool monster, suffers from pretty awful reflux although he doesn't let it bother him, and, as of this post, has yet to try real food. He's still squeezing into 3 month clothes, although I admit I should have put those away about two weeks ago. Guess I'm trying really hard to hold on to my "baby." 

At six months Jellybean still doesn't sleep through the night, but only wakes up at 0100 and 0430 for feedings. I'm told that if I started oatmeal and cereal at four months, he'd sleep longer, but I'm holding firm on not feeding my kiddo processed mush with no nutritional value. There are plenty of natural sources out there that will fulfill his growing belly without the added junk. 

At six months Jellybean has mom and dad wrapped round his chunky little pinky. Every gummy smile, high pitched squeal, and hearty laugh pretty much makes us the happiest people on earth. 

At six months, Jellybean weighs 18.43lbs (81st percentile), is 27.75 inches long (96th percentile) and has a head circumference of 17.75 inches (91st percentile). Needless to say, he's a BIG BOY! We definitely have our work cut out for us, but God doesn't give you anything He doesn't think you can handle, so, I'm ready for my little bruiser and all the crazy adventures he's going to bring into the Moran house. 

This month is our first real Holiday! I guess I'm not counting the 4th of July, sorry America. Halloween is just around the corner and I've been gathering fall props for photos like a madwoman.  First foods are also in our near future, along with a sippy cup, and...wait for it...CRAWLING! He's already doing the rocking back and forth on all fours thing and is just moments away from fingers in sockets, bumps on the head, and unexpected excursions in the pantry or under the sink. Perhaps I should start looking into baby proofing? 


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