Running With A Baby

Our First Race

I pretend to like running- when in reality, the whole time I'm doing it I hate everything about it. I run to get away with eating sugar...I run because it just seems like the right thing to do...and I run because the military makes us and I sure as hell won't be the last one to finish or the first one to fall out of a formation run. Finally, I run because I like clothes... Probably all the wrong reasons to want to go running, but at least I'm doing it right? I should say I run to stay healthy, for the runner's high, because it let's me think....but honestly, it's something I do everyday as a CHORE. I dread the minutes leading up to it and count the minutes til it ends. Ok, maybe I made it sound more awful than it really is....because if I hate it so much, why would I pay money to run races right? .....Matt says I just like getting medals :) He knows me so well.

Shortly after moving to Virginia, I wanted to set running goals for myself, 5K, 10K, half marathon...I will not do anything more than a half! I signed up for the Crawlin Crab run put on by a local racing company here and a few months later, I finally convinced Matt to sign up too. Come race day, we were ready to go!

I love the jogging stroller we bought on Amazon. It's so easy to run with, has great suspension, and Jellybean loves being in it. Matt started at the front of the crowd while Jellybean and I stayed towards the back with all the other moms and strollers. As much as I want to include my little man in everything I do, and running with him is actually quite fun....starting way back there was NOT fun. It took a good half mile before the crowd thinned out and we could actually get a good pace going, and weaving with a stroller isn't exactly easy! By the time we were at one mile, Matt was already coming back! I made sure to cheer him on extra loud so the people around me knew that it was my hubby at the front of the pack (well, not the very front, but he did finish in the top 10!).

My goal was to just pass the other moms pushing strollers and....honestly....those that didn't necessarily "look" like they were in shape. Jellybean slept through the ENTIRE thing, even when we ran by loud music and crowds cheering us on.

Dad met us at the finish line and we finished our morning off with some beer and crab soup served in a bread bowl. It was our first race as a family and it was so much fun! So, even though I started this post saying I hate running and all the reasons why I do it anyway......I think the biggest reason I run is signing up for races together is a great way to spend the morning as a family and sets such a good healthy example for Jellybean. I can't wait until he's running around and I can sign him up for the kids races too!

Our first race as a family. 

What do you mean we're spending the morning running mom??! 

Pre-race selfies! 

Starting in the last corral with all the other strollers. Grateful
that this company allows strollers though! 

Post race selfies with our medals! Jellybean is really excited. 

Love my boys and their smiles. 

Post race relaxing on our balcony....nothing like sucking on
toes in the morning...

All tuckered out. Sleeping in my arms is rare nowadays,
so I definitely took advantage of snuggles with my little one that morning. 


  1. You all look happy! The second picture, looks like Charles is wondering "Mom, why are we here?"


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