How Do I Play With You?

Catching Some Z's 

When Jellybean was a newborn, he spent most of his life sleeping, and I spent most of my time staring. Watching intently for that rise and fall of his chest, poking him every now and then to make sure he was still alive, and wondering what in the world a baby could possibly be dreaming about. He would make so many faces and noises in his sleep like he was dreaming, but up to that point, his only experiences were birth, nursing, and pooping. 

As the months wore on, he'd spend more time awake and I'd spend more time wondering what in the world do I do with my baby when he's awake? I never considered that time between sleeping/pooping and running around/talking. What about when he's awake but still pretty immobile? At first we just stared at each other until he dozed off again. Something I was fine with because I would spend so much time wondering if his eyes would stay blue or turn brown, so studying those eyes for flecks of gray or brown didn't bother me much. As time wore on though, I knew I needed more ways to distract my little kiddo. 

Even though this kiddo of mine NEVER let me put him down when he was sleeping,
I sometimes miss those days when he slept all day! 


I went to Google for advice on how to entertain my few month old. Seems silly since Google hasn't exactly been around forever and entertaining your child shouldn't be that hard. I "learned" what I already knew. Babies love human interaction, talking, singing, and silly faces. Jellybean has so many toys, but in the long run, he still prefers my goofy face above all those colorful development toys I keep throwing my money at. And really, what's better than being the "toy" that your baby prefers? It's built such a great bond between us since I can anticipate his facial expressions, know what each squeal means, read his face with 100% accuracy, and can distinguish between cries. I know what makes him laugh, and unfortunately, dad hasn't quite figured that out yet. Instead of making the little guy laugh, dad will scare him and make him cry the most pathetic little cry ever. I think he does it on purpose to get Jellybean to give us that oh so funny pouty lip he's so good at. 

Despite the flashcards, books, colorful toys that develop his hand eye coordination and fine motor skills, we still both prefer face to face interaction. And it *forces* me to turn the TV off, put the phone away, and just be a mom. Jellybean's favorite song is "the wheels on the bus," his favorite game is peek-a-boo, he loves when you blow in his face, he hates hide and seek with his toys, he loves when I do a 360 and make a silly face when I land facing him, he hates sitting up, and prefers being on his tummy.  All these things I wouldn't know if I used toys to entertain him instead of just using...well me. 

The Best Toy 

I feel like moms rely too much on technology and material objects to entertain their kids. Although I'll be the first to admit that this kid of mine has more toys than he knows what to do with. Jellybean already recognizes that the screen on my phone will display something that pleases his eye. He'll turn his head to see the TV or flip over to see what's on my phone. I most certainly don't want to raise a kid so reliant on video games and cartoons that he forgets to go outside and get dirty.  I figure the best way to teach him to prefer play with others vs. play with technology is to start him early with human interaction. Play with me Jellybean! I have no problem making silly faces and dancing like a goofball as long as it makes my kiddo laugh his adorable little head off. I guess that's another positive about daycare. He learns to interact with other kids and adults almost every single day.  Throughout this experience, I've learned that although Google and baby forums are extremely helpful, I've pretty much been born with the skills and instincts I need to raise a healthy baby. Because, it seems that despite all the studying I do, I'm still going to do what "feels right" for my family and it's been working for us so far! 

No toy is better than some good old fashion mom time. 

Love the face he gives me when I'm making goofy faces for him. 


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