Pregnancy #3

Speed it slow it down! 

With Baby Boy #3 making an appearance in the next month or so, I find myself anxiously waiting to meet this little man and Googling "ways to induce labor." You'd think I'd be a pro at it by now, but nope. And this time around, I feel like I need a refresher in delivery room shenanigans since it's been a whopping 2 years since my last baby was born. The gap between Charles and Thomas is so little that I felt like a pro when it came time to deliver Thomas. I'm really glad I wrote down their birth stories in this forum because re-reading them has been extremely helpful. I also noticed things I completely forgot about and I'm glad that those memories aren't gone forever. 

While I impatiently wait for the aches and pains of this last trimester in pregnancy to go away, I also find myself wishing to prolong it just a little longer. As we speak, little man is doing some sort of ninja move in my belly. I'll miss these ninja moves. This is our last kiddo. I already feel way too overwhelmed with 2 kids, but I knew I always wanted 3. The idea of 4 kids or more is absolutely terrifying to me. I have to caveat that with, if God somehow, miraculously, blesses us with a 4th child, I will love that child (most likely a boy!) as much as ever. But at this time, we feel like a family of 5 the right fit for this clan. So, with that in mind, this is my last pregnancy. I want to rush the pains away, but I don't want to rush the way I feel when I'm growing a baby. I mean how cool is that? For the last 9 months, my body has been growing a human.  If I sit back and just think about that for a second, it's kind of...ok it's a lot...incredible. It's nothing short of a miracle, and I am always grateful for the opportunity and blessing that God has given me. I know there are so many women out there who can't, and I'll never take this gift I've been given for granted, or downplay the importance of it. 

Despite how exhausted I've been, how nauseous, how much weight I've gained, how frustrated I get with my limited mobility, how annoyed I get with the pain in my hips and back and knee, the stretch marks that took a third pregnancy to finally show up on my body, how I lay awake at night while the whole house sleeps just wanting to sleep's all for something wonderful. And every ache and pain gets immediately forgotten the millisecond that kiddo is in your arms. Even now, when they frustrate the crap out of me (and trust me, these boys do that on a daily basis) I wouldn't take anything back. 

I think there might even come a point where I say I miss the heartburn, but let's not get a head of ourselves. I just wanted to take a minute to reflect back on the part of my life when I carried children and give it the due diligence it deserves. It's going to be fleeting in the grand scheme of things. So I really need to just check myself when I complain about all the things that I can't do because I'm pregnant or all the discomfort I feel because I'm pregnant....someone give me a dose of perspective every now and then! 

I've been taking belly tracking photos, but I haven't been doing the chalkboards I have in the past, mama just doesn't have the time! I've been taking selfies at work in the bathroom (I know! :/) and then using an app ti fill in how many weeks I am. It's a shortcut for sure, but hey, at least I'm getting the belly tracking photos in right??? Working moms with two toddlers at home and a husband that was deployed for a while and is TDY all the time even though he is home....well we gotta do what we can do to survive! 


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