Realizing I was pregnant...again

It wasn't just the German food...

I clearly remember realizing I was pregnant and the series of events that lead up to that realization. We were driving back from Ramstein and I had the biggest craving for Diet Coke (this craving continues to this day). I had Matt pull over at the nearest gas station so I could get Diet Coke. Just a few days ago, literally 5 minutes before dinner, he ran to 7-11 for me to grab some Diet Coke. I'm telling you, this craving is ridiculous ya'll. A few days this, we were walking around a Lidl grocery store and the smells and sights were absolutely abhorrent to me. I was disgusted to a level I had never experienced before. I knew something was off. I told Matt we needed to get out of there before I became an ugly American who through up all over a German grocery store. On our way back to the apartment, I just had a feeling that we needed to stop by the PX and grab a pregnancy test.  I just felt so weird, so off, pregnancy had to be the reason right? I had been in Germany for a month. Aunt Flo made an appearance THE DAY I got on the plane- that is not something you forget. Dealing with flying across the ocean on a military contracted plane, by yourself, with 2 toddlers....and Aunt Flo decides to say hi? Yeah, that's not something you forget. Anyway, it was likely that I could have been pregnant, but just seemed unlikely that I would know so soon. But we got the test anyway. 

We got back to the apartment and I did the all too familiar EPT, forgot about it in the bathroom, and went on with trying to get the 2 boys to bed. Next thing I know, Matt comes out of the bathroom saying, well, you're pregnant. I didn't believe him at first, it just seemed so early. But, I wasn't on contraceptives, I had been there for a month, and I felt "off." I spent the rest of that night unbelievably nauseous, curled up into a ball on the floor, and rushing to the toilet to throw up. I was dry heaving half way through the night because I had nothing left to give! The nausea was ridiculous. I had never felt that way before with the first 2 boys. I'm pretty sure I found out THE DAY this kiddo implanted that I was pregnant. That was the only time during this pregnancy that I felt so horribly disgusting and sick. I would get waves of nausea and think I needed to throw up, but nothing compared to that first night. It felt like the worst hangover of my life, minus the alcohol. Although, now that I'm doing the math, this kiddo was most likely conceived in Zurich, over Christmas, with one too many glasses of champagne. So it would make sense that my body would tell me I was pregnant with the world's worst hangover. 

So how did I feel about being pregnant? Great of course. Another kiddo? Woohoo! I had stopped taking contraceptives when Matt "deployed" to Germany and we were only going to be visiting him over the holidays, so I figured what's the point in getting back on the pill? It's only for about 6 weeks. If I get knocked up, then I get knocked up and it was meant to be, but the chances were probably slim. I'm laughing so hard right now at my train of thought. My friends call me fertile Myrtle for a reason.  The only disappointing part of realizing I was pregnant was the whole, I'm in Europe with all this wine and great food and now I have to be careful. Goodbye unpasteurized cheese, goodbye excessive wine....goodbye charcuterie. Fortunately, we only had a few weeks left there and I had indulged plenty. But now I was going to have to fly back to Virginia, by myself, with the kiddos, and deal with the nausea and possible throwing up. 

So there you have it, Switzerland + Champagne + Christmas = Baby Moran #3. And now I'm about a month from delivery and it's been an incredible adventure, more throwbacks on my pregnancy to come- mostly our announcement photos which I LOVE, but those need their own post. 
 So....I was oogling this big jar of Nutella when I started to feel kind of gross. 

Yup! Definitely pregnant. 

The boys didn't really care about the news that much. 


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