Thomas is almost 2!

Welcome Back to.....ME! 

I guess I'm restarting my blog, for now. We'll see how long this lasts! But, to kick off my new blogging endeavor, I figured this post should be all about my 2 year old. Yes, Thomas is almost a TWO YEAR OLD. The last time I posted on here he was just a few months old. And it really doesn't seem like it was too long ago that I was taking those pictures and planning our fall family adventures. Flash forward a millisecond and here we are, exactly one week from his second birthday. Oh, and I'm pregnant with our third little boy, but maybe I'll play catch up on what's happened between then anod now in some future blog posts. Right now, staying in the present is enough of a task! 

Meet my Thomas 

My Thomas sure has thrown me a curveball. He is so much like Charles, and so unlike Charles, it's quite remarkable. During his first few months of infancy, I kept waiting for him to chunk up like his big brother did. That never happened. This kiddo is itty bitty, but I promise you, he has the personality to make up for his small size. His hair has turned a beautiful chestnut brown, rich and deep. His eyes are brown with flecks of gold, making them amber-like. He looks exactly While Charles may be Matt's mini-me, Thomas is mine. The same almond eyes, the same pouty lips. His personality? I call him Mr. Charming. I don't even know where to begin describing this boy. 

First of all, he is so accident prone. He gets that from me. But seriously, this kid is always running into things and hurting himself. He's already got a scar near his eye from when he ran into a table at daycare. He's bumped his little noggin more times than I want to count. I'm going to attribute a lot of that to him wanting to keep up with his big brother but being unable to, and also just his full of life and carefree attitude. For someone so little, he sure does have the biggest most boisterous personality. He challenges me daily. Charles is all about pleasing mom and dad, he's extremely sensitive and just wants to make everyone happy. Thomas? Oh, Thomas is a honey badger. Thomas doesn't give a  %$*! what you think, he's gonna do what he wants, when he wants, how he wants. I kid you not, this boy will stare you down and won't blink an eye. His stubbornness is unrivaled. I say, "Thomas, give me my keys back" and he will give me the most mischievous, I dare you to do something to me mom, look. At that point it's a battle of wills. Whoever steps down first loses, whoever stands their ground wins. I usually win, but it's only because my attention span is considerably longer than his. He will give strangers, normally sales reps when we're out at the store, side eye and they automatically know this boy is Mr. Personality. But wait, the side eye/stink eye is often followed by the world's best smile. He baits you with his sass, then makes you melt with his charm. Meet Thomas Joel Moran everybody. Mr. Charming. 

While he challenges me to a level I have never had to experience with Charles, he also knows who to work his way into the depths of my heart. When Thomas smiles at you it's with his whole body. This boy has the most beautiful smile. When he runs to you for a hug, you melt in his itty bitty arms. He's an excellent cuddler, and loves to nuzzle his head into you until he's found that perfect spot. He calls me mama, and while my oldest has moved on to Mommy and *gasp* MOM, the sound of his little voice saying mama just makes me feel like I'm on top of the world. But, even while cuddling, Thomas has to be the one to place my hand exactly where he wants it (usually on his belly) and if I try to move it because it's at a weird angle, he moves it right back. Thomas is always the boss.

This boy is perhaps the world's pickiest eater. Ok, they both are, but him specifically. This has been pretty difficult for me since I try to give him a balanced diet, but all he wants is yogurt and apple sauce. At least it's Greek Yogurt?? Oh, and the blueberry one, he has to have the blueberry one. Walking is not a word in his vocabulary. Everything happens at a run, perhaps that why he's stayed so skinny? While Charles will hold my hand down the hall, Thomas will be the first to let go so he can lead the way and run in front of us. Despite all this though, the boy loves approval. He loves making us proud and being praised. He loves his big brother so much. Charles is his world and he will do anything and everything that Charles does. When we give him a new food, he sees if Charles will eat it first. If we want him to do task but he refuses, we'll have Charles do it first, then he'll follow suit. Big brother is everything to him and we work hard to encourage and foster that growing friendship. 

It still blows my mind that my boys have such different personalities.  We have to tailor our parenting to meet each one's love language. They respond to discipline differently. They are motivated by different things. They are brothers with so much in common, and yet they're so different. Really curious about what this next little boy is going to be like! 

Thomas Joel's favorite things: 

Blueberry Chobani Yogurt 
His puppies (2 stuffed puppies are his lovies, because one isn't enough) 
Books (he is the bookworm in the family) 
Knows his ABCs 
Knows his numbers up to 12 
Singing (Twinkle Twinkle, Baa Baa Black sheep, Wheels on the Bus, and Frere Jacque are the faves) 
Working on our colors 
Big Brother 
Cuddling at night 
Being thrown up in the air 

Does not like: 

Loud noises 
Most foods 
Being told what to do 
Being restrained 
Busch Gardens rides 

Happy almost birthday my little man. I honestly believe that if Matt and I can do our job right, Thomas can turn his determination and love for carefree living into something truly amazing. 


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