Georgetown Adventures

A Fall Day in Georgetown

One of the main reasons we go to Georgetown is for brunch. One day while exploring, we came upon a sign that read "Bocce, Bowling, and Brunch."  Food and activities that require aiming/throwing? Matthew was in! For as long as I can remember, that husband of mine has been obsessed with throwing things at targets. In Tucson, one of his favorite activities included throwing rocks at one of the many cacti outside our front door. He gets some serious enjoyment out of asking me to name a target and then he tries to hit that target with a rock. In a few short years, I see Jellybean partaking in this silly game, and like his dad, getting a kick out of it. 

Anyway, back on topic. This last Sunday we went back to our favorite Georgetown brunch place with the bocce ball and the bowling. We've become quite the expert parents at getting around the D.C. Metro with a big stroller. Matt's pretty good at maneuvering up and down the escalators with Jellybean in the jogging stroller and positing that thing in the perfect spot on a metro car. Getting around a busy city with a baby isn't as difficult as we initially thought it could be. Especially now that he's easier to entertain! He just stares at the people around him and these strangers normally make silly faces at him which sometimes elicits a side grin. SOMETIMES. He's hard to please. Must be nice to get away with staring at people in a crowded place and not be given dirty looks. I wish I could peek into his cute little head and get a glimpse of the gears turning while he stares at these strangers. 

A typical day in Georgetown usually begins with a pit stop to Baked and Wired where I grab a cupcake (their red velvet isn't actually that great, so we opt for the strawberry). Wait a second...Georgetown and I'm getting cupcakes at Baked and Wired instead of the infamous DC Cupcakes? YES. Like most extremely famous places, this cupcakery is OVERRATED. Their cupcakes lack the density of Baked and Wired, and their flavors, while interesting, aren't really ground breaking. I was so excited to try DC Cupcakes on our first trip to Georgetown back in December, but was let down. Baked and Wired on the other hand,  now they know how to hit the spot! In addition to a cupcake, I normally head over to the wired side of the store to grab a coffee or my favorite drink, a Chaider. That's apple cider steeped with a packet of chai tea. IT IS AMAZING. 

After our appetizer of desert and coffee, we went on to Pinstripes for some of the best brunch around. Matt goes for the double fried fries and shrimp, while I go for the meatballs and omellette bar. This time around, I took advantage of our baby led weaning approach to feeding Jellybean and he tried eggs, watermelon, pineapple, meatballs (yes, meatballs!), and turkey. He gobbled it all up and didn't mind one bit when he got marinara all over his face. 

We usually try walking off our stuffed bellies afterwards by checking out the stores and spending too much money on overpriced clothing. Luckily, although we looked, we were able to avoid the excessive spending. Although a $700 jacket at Ralph Lauren grabbed my attention....and that was nothing compared to the $1200 leather jacket Matt was looking at. We responsibly walked away. While trying to find a detour away from the crowds to get back to the metro, we walked by a relatively empty park with fall leaves all over the place. Granted, these leaves were brown, I still took advantage of the photo op and planted my husband and baby on the grass for an impromptu photo session. Good thing I carry my Nikon everywhere I go now! Matt humored me for a few minutes, as did my son. These boys will thank me for all these pictures one day. ;) 

My husband the expert metro with a baby passenger. 

Had to wear my  Georgetown tote. I'm kind of obsessed with
canvas totes right now. 

Chaider. Genius. 

Strawberry cupcakes are his favorite. 

Really hoping dad shares that cupcake.  Sorry kid, no
artificial sugars for you! 

Still hoping dad shares….

Strolling along the canal on a perfect
fall day. 

Gosh I love this kid! 

Admiring the fall foliage on our detour to the metro station.


Although they aren't brightly colored leaves,
I had to take the photo op anyway! 

Humoring me with a photo session. A few days later,
Matt's asking me to send these to him already! Pretty sure
putting up a fight is just part of his way of saying yes, I'd love to take pics. 

These boys….. my heart wants to burst. 

I had to jump in of course. 

That face…..


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