Jellybean Aunties

It's All In The Framily

Officially, Jellybean has three Aunts. My two sisters and Matt's sister. Unofficially, Jellybean has waaaayy more Aunties! I'm not quite sure if it's a cultural thing, but growing up, my mom's friends were always Aunty *insert name here*. For a while there, I really just thought Aunt meant any adult female figure in my life. In the long run, that blood relationship is special and all, but it doesn't mean that my girlfriends love Jellybean any less because they aren't blood related to him. These girls supported me during my ENTIRE pregnancy, through all the good times and the bad, they were there as an avenue to reach out to. I had way too much fun describing all the not-so-fun parts of pregnancy and childbirth just because it grossed them out.

These girls flew to Texas for my baby shower, they still lavish Jellybean with gifts, and support my habit of taking way too many pictures/videos and sending it to them daily. What it all comes down to is that this kiddo is LOVED and my friends are pretty much awesome. They're encouraging, they listen, and they adore my handsome little man. While pregnant, they fought over who's hand would go on my belly when he kicked, when he was born, they sought to be the first to meet him, and send Jellybean selfies to each other to make them jealous. I don't know where I'd be without these strong beautiful women in my life.

Jellybean Aunty Role Call 

Brittany's husband was in my unit in Texas. When her hubby and Matt deployed,
we got pretty close! She planned my baby shower and is also the Moran family photographer.
She's one of the first people that I left Jellybean with when he was just a few weeks old. This
girl has the biggest heart and is the most creative person I know! 

Trudi and I have been best friends since middle school. We've been
bridesmaids for each other, cried together, and laughed together for YEARS. Her mom stood with
my mom at my wedding to give a toast. She lives in Seattle and sends me Seattle
sports gear for my little Jellybean. When Jellybean gets baptized, she's first on the list for Godmother! 

Smelly and I have been stationed together since Tucson. She's one of the
most thoughtful and toughest people I know....not to mention one of the most beautiful. 

Ingrid and I have been friends since our Arnold Air Society days
during ROTC in college. We got really close when we had to do Lt training in Alabama.
She's loud and crazy and ALWAYS makes me laugh. 

I don't even know where to start with Amanda. I think this picture says it all.
She's basically that ideal friend that everyone wishes they could have. She
tells you how it is, will fly in a moment's notice to be there for you, and is ALWAYS

Christina is my soundboard. She is one of the wisest people I know. We all go to her for advice
and guidance. Even her mom sends Jellybean presents! If I ever have a daughter, my goal
is to have the kind of relationship Christina and her mom have because
I know it's had a huge impact on the wonderful woman she is today. 

Nicolle is the only one in this crew that isn't a Jellybean Aunt, she's a Jellybean Grandma.
There were so many times in Texas where I'd be having a bad day, or just didn't want
to make dinner, so I hopped in my car and went to mom's house and she'd take care of me.
She probably has the most realistic advice...that I never listen to, hence the name: mom. 

Danele and I have known each other since Tucson, but really got close when she moved to Texas.
We found ourselves facing major obstacles in our lives at the same time and that definitely
drew us together. She's also the first person to see Jellybean when he was just 24 hours old! 
Her sense of humor was clutch when those pregnancy hormones got the best of me. 

Aunty Panda also calls herself baby daddy. I can't argue with that- she's
shown us so much support and love! 

Christina stayed with us for a few days before deploying to the desert. Since we live so close to Norfolk
and have a great house for entertaining, I'm encouraging any of my friends about to deploy to stay with us instead of a crappy hotel room. Christina spoiled us with presents and great company. Can't wait to
pick her up in six months! Jellybean will be WALKING to her at the airport. 

Rick- AKA Dad- is from Richmond. So when Mom and Dad were in town visiting, Jellybean and I
naturally had to meet up with them at Dunkin Donuts. 


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