Bath Time Fun

Bathing A Newborn 

Like any new mother, I went crazy accumulating baby gear before my little guy was born. The baby bath tub was one such acquirement. Bathing Jellybean was one of my biggest fears...but it was also something I was pretty excited about. On that first day, I did everything like I was supposed to.....perfect water temperature, hooded towel, heated bathroom, and had baby friendly soap. I took that little man and put him in that baby bathtub was WAY TOO BIG. Holding onto him in that big huge "baby" tub was harder than I thought. I later learned that bathing my little guy in the sink until he developed the head control and chunked up a little bit more would be our bathing method of choice for the next few months. 

In that time, I also experimented with having him in a bathtub with me and even showering with me, but the best method seemed to be sink bathing. At about four months, I tried his baby bathtub again, and Jellybean fit perfectly! Despite the various methods I tried to find the perfect way to bathe my little man, one thing was constant. Jellybean LOVES baths! I was worried he would cry as soon as his skin made contact with the warm water, but I was so wrong! He smiles, laughs, and splashes around. 

Now that we're feeding him solid foods, bath time comes around several times a day! I really think Jellybean looks forward to it. He loves the way the water splashes on his face, he's not a big fan of water getting poured on his head, and he loves kicking his feet and splashing mama. Guess him loving bath time is something else that makes me lucky he's my son. This easy going, laid back, bath loving, chunky baby of mine has made my first-time mama experience so wonderful! 

He'll take any opportunity to put his toes in his mouth. 

Water on his face and still smiling. 

Hooded towels are essential to keeping baby warm. I have
no excuse for my crazy mom hair. 

This bathtub is perfect for my six month old. Not so perfect
for a newborn though. 

Got these accesories as a baby shower gift from a co-worker's wife. She's a mom to both
a boy and a girl, and she's the one that told me that even though she
LOVES her daughter, nothing compares to the mother and son bond.
Her words have stuck with me ever since. 


  1. Future water man!! When he is old enough, Matthew can teach him how to body board & surf. From the looks of the pictures, he'll be a natural.


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