Baby Smiles

Smile For Me

I've been having a difficult time keeping up with Jellybean's milk requirement. As a result, I have to go in during my lunch break to feed him so that I can build up my stash of frozen milk at home. I can't complain about that though because it gives me a reason to run over to the daycare to hang out with him! After his feeding today, I rocked him in the rocking chair for a bit since he was giving me those super sleepy eyes. When he gets like that, he just stares at me. I swear he doesn't even blink, he just sleepily looks at me. Usually he'll turn his head to catch a glimpse of all the other kiddos making noise in his baby room, but when he's tired, he refuses to look at anything else but my face. It brings me so much joy. As his eyelids began to succumb to sleep, Jellybean laughed out loud and finally fell asleep. 

This reminded me of those first few weeks we were together. Before his smile was a permanent feature on his face like it seems to be now. At that time, I had to wait until those moments before the sandman came to make my Jellybean drift off to dream land. Those first few moments were guaranteed to give me smiles and I would stare at his face impatiently waiting for that gummy grin. I have yet to figure out why babies tend to be more smiley right before they fall asleep. I'm glad that they do though otherwise I would have had to wait almost two months before I could see my little man crack his first grin! 

Waiting for that first real smile was agony. I think I was more impatient for THAT than him rolling over, sitting up, even crawling and walking (he's definitely not doing those two last thing yet, and I'm ok with that because I don't want to start baby proofing!). That first real smile literally brought tears to my eyes. All the online forums are right- somehow, you just know when it's a "gas smile" and when it's that REAL smile. That genuine, social, hey I know you-smile. It didn't happen when he was falling asleep. In fact, he was coming out of sleep, saw me staring at him, and it looked like he finally recognized me, and popped that wide toothless grin. I wanted to cry right then and there. I want to cry now just thinking about how good it felt! Sleepless nights? The constant smell of spit up? 2 minute showers for weeks on end? Microwave meals? All that was WORTH it. Lots of things this kid does make the hard times worth it, but that smile...and now that laugh... well those are hard to top as the best part about having a baby. 

Almost 7 months later and we're still eager to do whatever it takes to get that gummy chubby cheek grin from Jellybean. And now that he laughs? Oh my goodness- his laugh is the most AMAZING sound I have EVER heard. It's so pure and seems like it radiates from his whole entire body. It starts deep inside that innocent belly and works its way from him into our doting hearts. Even Abby gets a kick out of his laugh. It's funny because he gives us all different laughs. Dad tickles him with his facial hair and Jellybean will give that uncontrollable laughter for him. For me? I get the short bursts that make him throw his head back when I make silly faces or noises (when dad makes silly noises, it usually makes him cry). Abby on the other hand. Abby is the one that gets the special laugh. When Abby licks Jellybean's face, feet, or hands, he will squeal with delight. This is a pretty new development since he's becoming more aware of his big sister's presence. When she's near him, he'll reach out toward he and is always eager to give him kisses. Those laughs are effortless and mark the beginning of the sweet bond I know they'll share. 

I wonder if part of the reason Jellybean is so content staring into my face as he drifts off comes from those first few weeks when I'd eagerly stare at him for those first few smiles. Today's lunch session at the daycare made me take that sweet trip down memory lane, so of course, I had to blog about it. 

He used to let out one loud laugh before falling asleep. 

I have no idea why he's sticking out his tongue in his sleep. 

That smirk……he still does it. 

I would wait so impatiently for those pre-sleep smiles. 

Wondering why in the world I kept staring at him. Gosh I can't
believe he used to be that small! 


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