Seafood Festival

Local Eats

I'm such a sucker for festivals and fairs. The arts and crafts vendors, the music, the setting, and most importantly....the FOOD! Those places tend to be pretty crowded and Matt hates crowds. But we compromise with going early and not staying too long. The hardest thing about festivals with Jellybean is manuevring around the crowds with the big stroller. It's still too warm to wear him in his Ergo...I don't know if it's just my kid or if it's a kid thing in general but my Jellybean can get pretty sweaty!

So on this Saturday when I was at work-yes, I had to go into work at 0500 on a Saturday morning for  a briefing and left Jellybean and Dad all snuggled up in bed- I asked around for what we should do this weekend and everyone said the Poquoson Seafood Festival! Poquoson is a very small town on the other side of the base but boy do they know how to put on a festival! Better than the wine festival Matt and I attended in Alexandria a few months ago. The leaves are starting to change color, it was a little bit gusty, the high was in the mid 70s, and the sun was out. Basially- it was the perfect fall day for some 'splorin and eating yummy seafood....even though it was all deep fried....gotta love the south.

Jellybean was such a great sport. I always worry that the music from the bands will bother him but this son of mine is such a stoic little boy. He's happy just people watching. We didn't even have to use the emergency pacifier! The older he gets the more patient he is, the easier it is to entertain him, and we find ourselves able to spend more time out and about. I'm grateful for that and I'm happy I'm starting to see his the world through his reactions, but at the same time....I still long for those days when we spent most of the time cuddling and sleeping.
We considered getting these and then had second thoughts. 

Matt LOVES corn on the cob. 

Happily people watching. 

Crab Cake sandwich, hush puppies (my fave!), shrimp, and lemonade. 

Couldn't pass up on the selfie. 

Hawaiian smoothie- instead of the deep fried oreo. 


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