Baby Led Weaning- Eggs

Not A Morning Baby 

Actually, he's always in a *great* mood in the mornings. He smiles, plays contently by himself, and talks all the way to daycare. The one thing he hates doing in the morning? Eating solids. Apparently it's too much work. 

Since I'm not doing rice cereals and oatmeals that are fortified in iron, I need to find other ways to make sure my kiddo gets his vitamins. At six months, Jellybean's iron supply that he's had stored up begins depleting. I've read conflicting research on wether or not iron is transferred via breast milk, and since I'm generally iron deficient doesn't matter if I transfer it via breast milk because it will still not be enough. 

My sister in law told me that eggs have more than enough iron to suit Jellybean's dietary needs. Baby allergies and eggs are often a result of egg whites, so, I eat the egg white, Jellybean eats the yolk, and we both stay healthy! Since eggs are technically a breakfast food, I started waking up even EALIER than I already do so I could make time to feed my kiddo a yummy, healthy, breakfast of egg yolk. Despite my many efforts last week though, I ended up eating more of the yolk than he did. He'd turn his head and fuss every time I tried to feed him. I know it's not the food item itself because when I give it to him in the afternoon, he loves it! 

They say practice makes permanent. So, we'll keep on trying and hopefully he'll get the hang of eating breakfast with mom before starting our day! 

He's teething pretty bad which means he's always tugging at his ears! 

I promise he actually likes it....

Looks like he's feeding himself, but that's actually him sucking his thumb. :/ 


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