Happy Feet

One Of My Favorite Sounds

The pitter patter of toddler feet. Who knew that noise would be so adorable? Because that's really what it is, noise. And yet to a mom, it's right up there with that sweet laugh. I think part of the reason I cherish it so much is because that sound will be so short lived. The small haphazard steps will turn into loud determined boy thumps in no time. But for now, I'm going to enjoy the pitter patter of my little man's tiny feet.

When Matt is downstairs in the garage hitting golf balls, he says he can always tell when Jellybean is on the second floor because his footsteps are so distinct. This boy has one speed- fast. He can barely slow down! He goes from fast to faster, so maybe he has two speeds. I can always tell when he's in a really good mood by how quickly he moves his feet. One of his favorite things to do is take super tiny steps (yes, even smaller than the baby steps he already takes) but he takes them really fast. Another favorite is just stomping in place, I think even he likes the noise it makes. And dancing? Oh this kid can dance! He absolutely loves to dance and the sounds associated with his bare feet on our hardwood floors are just too fun. Recently he's become fond of spinning, which of course makes him dizzy and is followed by some sort of tumble. Then he gets back up and spins again, then tumbles again.

Sometimes I miss the sound of him crawling on the hardwood. When I get down on all fours to chase him around the house, he will sometimes, instead of running away, crawl away. Much faster than he did when he was just restricted to crawling only 6 months ago. Time sure does fly! Speaking of chasing....he loves it! Especially when I get down to his level to do it. He'll run behind something while I wait around the corner, sneak back up to me, at which point I chase him for a little bit and he runs away again. He could probably play this game with me for a really long time, but my knees and my growing belly tend to get in the way or hour chase/hide & seek game. I'm sure it won't be long before him and his brother are chasing each other around the house and the giggles and happy feet will be doubled, which means double the love in my heart so no complaints from mom!

 I wish I could post videos on this blog so that the whole happy feet noise can really be captured. But I can't, and those videos will just be saved on my MacBook. :)


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