36 Week Update
So, I really don't think I'll be taking a 36 week
picture, and that's out of pure laziness. It really needs to be something
special for me to take the time to do my make up all fancy and get my hair pretty,
let alone put something on that isn't a tank top and gym shorts. At this point
in my pregnancy, my energy levels are significantly waning and I can't go
wasting that precious energy on hair and makeup when there's just about a
billion other things to do in my life!
So here's my 36 week update:
* Feeling EXHAUSTED. All the time! I wish I could let
chores slide but.....I'm too OCD for that. Dishes, counter tops, cleaning up
after my messy toddler.....these things don't wait for mom to get her energy back.
* Rapid Heart Rate: I went to the ER the other day after
calling the nurse and explaining to her that sometimes....when I'm literally
just sitting down watching TV or surfing the web, my HR spikes significantly.
It's so random. My resting HR is normally in the low 60s and I've seen it spike
to above 100, just randomly. The doc says I might have SVT, which isn't a big
concern, just something to be aware of. While at the doc, they checked on my
little Tater Tot and that guy is doing just fine! His HR is completely healthy
and they were able to capture a few contractions. My body is definitely
preparing for labor. The doctor said drink more water and get more rest. The
water thing I can do, the resting thing? Ok, you take my 16 month old and my
flight commander duties and I'll sit on the couch and rest.
* Other labor preparation symptoms include cramping,
Braxton Hicks, and my OB said I'm at 1cm and 50% effaced. So my body is
definitely gearing up! Just how long it'll take is still up in the air.
* My hips are in so much pain. I never felt this horrible
hip pain with JB! It literally wakes me up at night and I have to get up, walk
around (which I'd normally do anyway since I have to pee every few hours), and
fight the urge to cry it hurts THAT bad. My pain tolerance is ridiculously high
too. I think it's part pain, part frustration that I have the pain, and part
hormones that makes me want to cry at 2 in the morning.
* Swelling- I've taken off my Tiffany ring that I wear on
my right ring finger but I'm still wearing my wedding rings and JB's birthstone
ring on my left finger. I take off my boots when I'm in my office since my feet
are getting to be kind of huge from swelling. Sometimes I wish I had a bathroom
in my office just so I didn't have to put my boots back on to walk across the
building to run to the bathroom.
* Pelvic Pain- HOLY SMOKES. This kid has definitely
dropped (even though they say that when they do you should be able to breathe
easier, LIES!). Anyway, this kid is LOW and the pelvic pain is ridiculous. I
especially like when I have to switch which side I'm lying on in the middle of
the night because my hip goes numb and while switching sides, my pelvis screams
at me. Good times.
* I've quit trying to eat healthy portions and healthy
meals. I'm in the home stretch, gimme food, I really don't care at this point.
I gave in to my craving of Costco muffins and bought a 12 pack. 6 blueberry, 6
chocolate and they are amazing. I already warned Matt that between the time I
actually have this baby and the time I get the green light to work out, our
menu is going to change drastically. I hope he likes fruit, vegetables, and
plain ole chicken breast because that's all we're eating for that 6 weeks
post-partum! I hate clean eating all the time and fully believe in indulging,
but only when you can work out. Since I can't work out, we will be on the clean
eating band wagon for a while. At least I will be, and since I do 90% of the
cooking, I guess he will be too.
* Enlisting Dad- Matt basically does most of the diaper
changes, meets me at the CDC in the afternoon to carry JB to my car, and
changes him in the morning (in an outfit I still pick out) and brings him down
to me while I'm getting our breakfasts and lunches ready. He also brings JB up
to the bedroom at the end of the day so I can put him to bed. Basically, Matt
does the heavy lifting and by heavy I
mean our 25lb toddler. Now if only I could get him to keep an eye on JB while
that kid is running around the house. I think I'd have to disconnect our internet
and TV service for that to happen. I
left those two alone for a few hours on Sunday to get a massage and groceries
and Matt started cooking dinner. He said "it's impossible to cook and
watch him at the same time." I responded with....."yeah that's why I
ask you to do it when I’m cooking and I still end up cooking AND keeping an eye
on the kid." Maybe he'll learn now though....or maybe I should just
disconnect the TV and the internet connections.
* I've started giving JB baths in the sink again just
because bending over in the bathtub gets way too uncomfortable.
* Movement- TONS. Hiccups, flips, summersaults...he's all
about it! This kid is a moving machine. I will never complain about this
pregnancy symptom. And I even miss it a little those few weeks after baby is
born. There's just something about that familiar kick of life growing inside
you that makes the annoying symptoms much more tolerable. And really, it
doesn't get too uncomfortable til the third trimester so that's only a few
months of annoying symptoms for a lifetime of blessed motherhood.
I go back and forth with this. I really do hope I have
this kid of mine earlier rather than later or closer to the due date. But for
every gripe I have about how horrible I feel being pregnant, I always have to
give myself a reality check and it takes me off my whining high horse. I AM
PREGNANT. I am growing a child inside me and he is going to be in my arms in no
time and blessing me with the most beautiful and pure joy, love, and everything good in the world. That little
bundle is God's greatest miracle and I get to help in that process, then reap
the benefits for years to come. My hips hurt, I'm tired, I'm fat, my clothes
don't fit.....yeah it sucks. But at the same time, it's totally worth it. And
what really brings me back to reality is knowing women who can't do it. Who
want nothing more than to experience these symptoms and their bodies won't let
it happen. I am so incredibly fortunate to be able to have children. It's
something I never ever want to take for granted because I have sweet friends
that have suffered and continue to suffer from wanting nothing more than to be
a mom and somehow, for some unknown reason, they can't. It's so humbling and
makes me value the gift I've been bestowed with, never to be taken for granted.
So, while there are times that it's hard (usually in the
middle of the night when I'm in pain and can't sleep) that I am looking for
ways to get this kid to come faster, I don't think I'll be doing anything
drastic. Spicy foods, pineapple, walks, massages, sitting on a medicine
ball....if those bring on my Tater Tot, than yay! But there are some other
things out there that are kind of crazy and I'll never do. Castor oil? No
thanks. I don't want to put my body through even more pain! I think this kiddo
of mine will come when he's ready. But I am a little apprehensive about it.
I had it so easy the first time! My water broke, made
needing to go to the hospital kind of obvious. But water breaking is so very
rare, and who knows if it will happen again. So waiting until my contractions
are 3-5 minutes apart for at least two hours and somewhat painful....well that
seems to be the common way to know you're in labor but it also makes me
anxious. The doctor said "I'll just know" when it's time...... will
I? That's all you got for me doc? I'm having contractions now but they're so
infrequent. What if I wait too long to do to the doc? I know these are things a
lot of first time moms go through, and I’m a second time mom, shouldn't I know
what contractions are supposed to feel like and when I'm in labor? Guess some
things don't get easier with experience....
To my dear Tater Tot.... I am so very excited to meet
you! I fantasize about what you'll look like, how different you'll be from your
brother, how you two will and won't get along..... I am so excited that I'll
have two boys about 16 months apart. Sure it's going to be HARD, but it's going
to be a billion times more fun too.
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