Father's Day 2015

My Low Key Hubby 

Matt and I are pretty opposite. While he would much rather stay home and do nothing all day, I need to get out of the house and do something all day. It makes for a very interesting dynamic. For Father's Day, while I thought I might be boring the crap out of my husband, he of course, was blissfuly happy. We did.....nothing. 

I made him some spaghetti and homemade meatballs, he played some golf in the morning, and we literally just stayed home. Presents however, are another story. That is where I get to be somewhat creative! 

I saw another Pinterest idea for a 3 part photo that I re-created. Matt's cousin sent me an idea for a cute father's day card so I recreated that as well. Matt broke his old workout headphones so I got him a new set of those. And finally.........he needed a new golf shirt and was seriously lacking in some new Purdue gear so I got him a Purdue golf shirt. An added bonus? Jellybean and Tater Tot also got some Purdue gear. Their FIRST. My boys are covered in the Washington sports department but they're seriously missing out in the dad's sports teams realm. Since it was Father's Day and all, I figured I'd set the competitive spirit aside and get him and the boys non-Washington apparel. 

It sounds kind of boring not doing anything for a "special day" but is spending time at home, as a family, really not doing anything? No matter where we are, we are always making memories and building that bond between the 3...soon to be 4....of us. Family time is the best time all the time! 


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