A Day in Norfolk

I'm trying to do a lot the things I did with Jellybean the second time around with Tater Tot. One of those things is maternity photos. Those pics will get posted when I get them back, but the reason I bring it up is I dressed Matt and JB up in "matching" outfits for our family maternity photos. I fell in love with how adorable they looked together that I insisted on stopping at park so I could take my own pictures of my handsome boys. I'm such a sucker for pictures and these boys of mine have stolen my heart so many times over I want to capture every moment on camera and share it. 

I absolutely love the picture of them walking down the trail holding hands. That was actually Matt's (yes Matt, Mr. I hate pictures) idea. And the best part is JB hates holding hands so the fact that he did it that afternoon was an added bonus! We also took some time to play at the playground, and I of course snapped up a few more pictures. 

Afterward we decided to check out Norfolk. We always go to Virginia Beach for food but this time we decided to change it up and see what the next town over had to offer. We stumbled across a small little brunch spot in a historic part of town. The food was incredible! Which made the experience bearable because Jellybean was not very cooperative that afternoon. Just another day being parents of a toddler. You can't win them all but I'm glad my pictures that I captured don't reflect the challenges we had in the restaurant and only capture the sweet moments between father and son. Because in the long run, that's what we'll remember. 

How sweet are these two? 
This one just melts my heart. 
I had to jump on there too. 
Oh my sweet son, he always sticks his tongue out! 
He likes to swat at the air while he's walking. 
My boys and their motorcycles. It terrifies me that my son will one day be riding, but it's a Moran family tradition. 
Rosy Cheeks! 
Going down the slide.....he only liked it the first time. The second time he cried. 
He didn't exactly stick the landing. 

He may be a Mama's boy but he's his dad's mini me. 
Again with the tongue... We gave him this stick to play with. Boys will be boys right? 
I love that his belly is poking through his shirt. 

The mimosas were for me and Matt, the fruit for Jellybean. 
Prime Rib Omelette. The biscuit and potatoes were so good too! 
Chicken and Waffles! It's such a good combo. 

Pictures with mom that morning :) 


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