4th of July

Happy Birthday America! 

I am all about a going to a festival. I am all about food vendors, crowds, fireworks, music, and all that fun stuff (all stuff Matt isn't too fond of). This year however, we took it super easy. It was a hot and muggy which wouldn't be a problem if I didn't have to deal with a toddler and if I wasn't so huge! The heat really gets to me, for some reason it makes my heart rate spike up real high. That can't be a good thing when you're pregnant right? And we had busy days planned for the days before and after the 4th so on America's Birthday, we played it low key and stayed at home. 

That doesn't mean that we didn't do anything though. We are a military family here! The family dressed up in patriotic colors, we grilled out in the backyard, and instead of fireworks, we played with bubbles. Sounds like an even exchange right? Fireworks for bubbles? When you have a 15 month old, I think bubbles might be the safer option anyway. JB was very interested in the soapy mess when we were in the house but when we blew bubbles for him outside, he was more interested in everything else there was to look at and didn't care for the bubbles we kept trying to get in his face. His new favorite activity on the balcony is throwing the tennis ball down the stairs for Abby to chase. It's been a challenge teaching him what he can throw and what he can't. While I don't want to restrict him to not throwing anything at all, it's more work teaching him the difference between a ball and a regular toy. But, something being hard doesn't mean I should just quit all together right? He's a smart kid. I have no doubt that he'll learn that it's ok to throw balls but not ok to throw mom's cell phone (although I really really really really want a new one and wouldn't mind if my current phone broke....). 

For our meal we had bratwurst with peppers and onions, potato salad, potato chips, and baked beans. I nixed the burger idea because that might have been too much, even for this mama who's eating for two! When it comes to messy food, I usually spoon feed JB, but it was a special holiday! I let him have at it with the baked beans and he LOVED it. He loved it so much he started rubbing it on his bare belly..... I've resorted to giving him baths in the kitchen sink because bending over in the bathtub is getting a little too difficult nowadays. For desert I piled some blueberries, strawberries, and whipped cream on angel food cake. JB LOVED that too....of course. 

I also did a quick arts and crafts project with Jellybean. I took some white paper, used my Cricut to cut out some stars, put glue on the back, and gave them to Jellybean to place on the cardstock. He had more fun getting glue on his fingers than he did the actual craft project, but hey, it's all about the experience! Sensory play is important at this age right? Well, those little fingers got to feel Elmer's glue so there's your sensory play for the week. JB. 

We technically didn't miss out on the firework show either. I could see the fireworks from the Fort Monroe festival from the bedroom balcony. Matt could see the Newport News fireworks from the balcony at the front of the house. So if you think about it....we caught two fireworks shows from one location! #winning. Shortly after the displays, the thunderstorms rolled in. Good thing we weren't out in those crowds. They definitely got rained on. 

Another low key holiday in the Moran house. We'll have plenty of festivals and fireworks in our future as these boys get older so taking advantage of these low key days is ok with me! 

Hanging out on the back balcony. 

Look at that form! 

My little goofball 

Treating the remote like a phone....

A table all for him (and his baby bro) in my craft room. 

Obviously really proud of himself 

Also set up the double stroller! 

One of my many many embarrassing photos we will put this kid through. 

Root Beer for me, real beer for Matt. JB got water. 

Festive, yummy, and not so healthy. 


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