Beach Bums

Water Livin' 

Sometimes where we live drives me absolutely bananas. The mosquitos, the TICKS, the ridiculous wind coming off the water.....but then again, we kind of have a really good thing going with living on the water. The views from any room in the house are beautiful. Facing the water means the sun is streaming through one of the many balcony doors or windows bright and early, which would be a problem if we didn't have a toddler and could sleep in on our weekends.....but we have a toddler and we don't sleep in on the weekends. So waking up to a sun rising just above the horizon isn't exactly a bad thing when it's a view like ours. 

After the Mother's Day kayak fiasco, I've been pretty hesitant about going back to the beach via kayak. On this particular day though, the water was calm, there weren't any storms forecast until late that afternoon, the tides were in our favor, and I wanted to get some sun. So we packed up our little family and took the 20 minute trek on the kayak to the secluded beach across the bay. It probably wouldn't take as long if I could help Matt paddle but somebody has to hold on to the little one! He absolutely loves being in the kayak and fortunately doesn't try to move around too much. He's perfectly content looking forward and watching the water, or the birds, or poking his fingers through the holes at the bottom to touch the water. 

When we got to the beach we set up camp with our beach umbrella and blanket, took out the snacks, and went exploring. The water is super shallow so JB was able to happily splash around without mom worrying about waves or him going from knee deep to way too deep water. Of course I never let him go further than an arm's length away anyway, but the peace of mind is good to have. I learned something on that kid will eat sand (which at this beach is mostly small rocks) when I'm not paying attention. I can't wait until he's eating dirt, and bugs, and who knows what as he gets older <---that's sarcasm right there. I don't even want to know what adventures are in store for me. 

I find so much enjoyment in watching him play in the sand. I pile it up on his legs and he helps me. When it gets too hot we sit in the shallow water and splash around and continue to pile up sand on his legs. I found a clamshell, taught him how to dig with it, and away he went digging in the sand. He had such a good time watching the birds and feeling the different textures from the seashells, rocks,  sand, and water. Watching him experience life and find joy in the most simple activity is mesmerizing to me. How lucky are parents? Through our children we get to see everything for the first time all over again and share in their excitement. It's so much fun! Simple things become big adventures and what I took for granted becomes a new object to explore or sight to squeal with delight over. There are so many things I want my boys to see and experience before they embark on their own adventures and it motivates me to work hard so I can give it to them. I'm already daydreaming about a trip to Disney World when they're older...Matt on the other hand is having nightmares about it. :)  

Waiting for dad to pull up with the kayak 
Just saying hi to all the birds 

This kid loved feeling sand between his fingers and toes. 
Speaking of toes.....they're so adorable. 
Playing with the beach umbrella 
I had food in my mouth...hence the weird smile. Gotta love the maternity swimsuit. 
Can't take the Hawaii out of the boy. 
He looks so small in our big kayak. 


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