Children's Museum of Richmond

A Trip To Richmond 

So I've been here for about a year now and have yet to really explore the Richmond area. I keep finding myself drawn to just about everywhere else. This last weekend, my friend Amanda was driving from D.C. to Florida and going right through Richmond. Well there was no way I could pass up that opportunity to see her and it gave me a good reason to check out a new city. 

We met at a "hipster" coffee shop which had really amazing breakfast and pretty decent coffee. Amanda's seen Jellybean when he was in my belly (does that count?), at around 2 months, and again at about 6 months. So now, at 15 months, when he's at that fun talking ,exploring, running around making trouble age, she was pretty impressed by just how much a kid can grow and change in such a short period of time. You're telling me! I feel like he was JUST a little baby that couldn't even lift his head. Now we're imitating animal noises and full of personality. Anyway, although it was rainy that day, we still had a good time catching up. Amanda had just returned from a 6 month "deployment" to Germany followed by a couple of weeks gallivanting around Ireland and Iceland with her boyfriend- who we're all quite fond of! Even JB! 

After meeting up with Aunty Panda and Beau, JB and I decided to check out the local area. It's close to the University of Richmond and by a popular street, Carry Town. We just drove around because it was raining and I didn't think walking around in my very pregnant condition would be a good idea. But I did make a mental note: must come back here with Matt! There were tons of cute shops and restaurants. I was pleasantly surprised with that part of Richmond. 

I didn't just want to waste the morning getting coffee and driving a little. It did take me 90 minutes to drive all the way out there! So I took Jellybean to the Children's Museum of Richmond. What really drew me to that place was their 3 years and younger section. While I've been wanting to take JB to a children's museum for a while, those things are always full of older kids running around. But this place with its toddler corner seemed like a good spot to spend the afternoon. And I was so right. Jellybean had a GREAT time. He was still one of the smaller kids in the room- I didn't realize three year olds could get so big! But it was definitely safer for him there than the other parts of the museum. I didn't have to worry about him eating something that was a choking hazard, everything was his size, and he got a huge kick out of all the sensory activities geared towards toddlers. I love just sitting back and watching my kid be a kid. I love watching his expressions change from confused, frustrated, excited, and of course, that "a-ha" moment when he figures something out. I can read him so easily just by watching his facial expressions. He hasn't learned that art of hiding emotions and everything is so new, fresh, and RAW with him. 

He teaches me so much every day. Reminds me how simple and pleasant everything really can be. And even when he's frustrated and making me miserable with his inconsolable tantrums sometimes, he looks so cute doing it I still can't help but adore him. Gotta love being a mom. 

Mom and JB road trip! 
Can't believe how big he's getting.

Always the charmer with the camera... 

"Driving" the big truck. He loves playing with steering wheels. 

Had a great time with these puzzles. 

Baby yoga at its finest. 
They have the mats at daycare and they get pulled out during nap time. Pretty sure that's why he did this. 
My whole heart for my whole life. :) 
Love my little fisherman. He never actually held on to the fishing pole, he always threw it over the side of the boat. 


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