Portable Diaper Changing Basket

Portability Is Key 

I saw this great idea on Pinterest once about having diaper stations placed strategically around the house. An opportunity to make something cute, functional, and organized? I jumped on that in a heartbeat. Our home here in Virginia is way too big for us but it's on the water and every window has a water view. Who could turn that down? With that said, I don't have time to run to Jellybean's diaper changing table every time the kiddo needs to be changed. Especially if he's covered in poop from head to toe- literally, head to toe. I have no idea how he manages that or how all that force can come out of something so small. 

I have one of these little baskets downstairs in the family room, under the changing table in the nursery, and in the bedroom. And when we go on long trips that require overnight hotel stays, I just pick up one of the baskets, put it in the car, and we're good to go in the hotel room! No shuffling through a diaper bag. My one stop shop just travels along with me and I can keep the diaper bag in the car. The less things I have to carry in and out of the car, especially when we're traveling, the better. I have to say, whoever came up with this idea is pretty genius. Maybe it's the new mom in me and this portable diaper basket thing is pretty common and I just didn't know about it...I don't care. I'm jumping on that band wagon and telling the world! 

What I Keep In My Basket

1. Diapers
2. Wipes
3. Diaper Rash Cream
4. Hand Sanitizer
5. An extra outfit (who has time to run to the closet if there's a major blowout going on) 
6. Washable changing pad 
7. Toy to distract the kiddo if he's fussy 

And that's it! Simple yet oh so useful. 


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