Christmas Party

It's Party Time 

We've been to plenty of squadron Christmas parties in our 7 years of service. Most of which have included quite a few alcoholic beverages and some shenanigans. However, this year was definitely far from that. We have a Jellybean now! To help encourage the many parents in the squadron to attend, my unit does something pretty cool- they solicit another squadron to watch kiddos in a room across the hall so that the adults could enjoy the festivities without having to worry about finding a babysitter. In return, we volunteer to watch their kiddos for their party. Sounds like a pretty good deal no? I still had some MAJOR anxiety though. 

I've never had a problem leaving my kiddo at the hands of others (with the exception of his first day at daycare when I bawled my eyes out). I left him with friends during the first few weeks of his life to go run errands, when he comes to work he's passed around the building while I go to my office to get some work done….no issues there. So why would I be so anxious in this case? Well, the people I'd left my Jellybean with before were either trained professionals or people I knew really well. These were strangers from another unit. What if they weren't all parents too? In addition to that, the room was for kids of all ages. My first-time-mom panic ridden mind instantly pictured older kids trampling my 8 month old or him finding a small toy and choking. I mean….do these volunteers realize that at his young age he needs CONSTANT supervision if he isn't safely corralled? The crazy started to set in and I rambled about all my fears in the days leading to the party. Definitely a first for me since usually my concern is fighting over who won't have to be DD. 

To my welcomed surprise though, one of the volunteers was a fellow mom in Jellybean's daycare room. She immediately recognized me, knew my kiddo my his name, and my fears of him not being in capable hands subsided. It's amazing what a familiar face can do. Even though I felt more comfortable leaving him in the childcare room, Matt still had to keep me  from checking in on him every 5 minutes! I can proudly say I only checked on him once when she texted me saying he woke up from a nap and seemed hungry. 

I can't believe how much I stressed about the childcare situation the week leading up to the party. I definitely can't believe I'm THAT mom. Jellybean was given back to me at the end of the night in one piece and Matt and I were able to enjoy an extremely entertaining Christmas party. I think his favorite part was watching me fail miserably at musical chairs.

All decked out for my squadron's Christmas party.
 I'm in love with this Anthropologie  skirt. An oldie but definitely still a goody, especially this time of year. 


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