A Christmas Fireworks Show


I walked into my flight one afternoon and asked for ideas on what Christmas shenanigans occur here on the Peninsula. They quickly bombarded with me activity after activity so needless to say my list this December is getting quite long! I've narrowed it down to a few though.

1. Christmas Town at Busch Gardens
2. Christmas at Colonial Williamsburg
3. Find a realistic looking Santa for Jellybean's first pictures. (There was a Santa at our Christmas party last night but it was a poor and very unfortunate, but good sport!,  skinny 21 year old wearing the costume and that just wouldn't do for my kiddo's first pic).
4. The lights along the Virginia Beach boardwalk (I signed up for a night race on the boardwalk so I have that covered)
5. Hollydazzle

So Friday night, even though I was exhausted from working a full day, I packed my family up and off we went to see the fireworks spectacular. Fortunately it wasn't too cold out but its was extremely crowded. That husband of mine absolutely HATES crowds! It puts him in a sour mood, but since he knew how excited I was to see Jellybean react to the lights and fireworks, he kept the sourness to the extreme minimum.

Hollydazze is definitely a big Peninsula event. We got there a few hours early and its was already crowded with lots of drunk people roaming around and smokers everywhere. I hadn't been around smokers, or at least that many, in quite a while. One drunk lady was following moms around who had kiddos trying to get peeks at their babies. Let's just say I almost sucker punched her when she tried to get close to my Jellybean. We eventually found a quiet lounge at the Marriott away from the smokers and baby gawking drunk ladies where other parents and their kiddos patiently waited for the show.

Although WAAAYY past his bedtime, Jellybean woke up from his nap just before the firework display started. Seeing his mind work as he looked up at the array of lights was…..well I don't know any other word but AWESOME. When the loud booms from the big fireworks went off he'd clutch my arm but never cried. His eyes darted from one scene to the other and I wished so badly that I could take a peek into that small mind and see how he was soaking up the new experience. I think Jellybean's reactions even warmed Matt's heart and it made up for the obnoxious crowds. It's so rewarding and heart warming seeing your child experience something for the first time. Reminds me of so many things I take for granted. Children on the other hand, they seem to see life in its simple glory and it's good enough for them. Makes me think of my favorite book, "The Little Prince" and reminds me that every now and then, there's nothing like seeing the world through a kid's eyes. I'm glad I have Jellybean to remind me of that.

This particular firework show was unique in that it took place around a large round fountain and the pyrotechnics shot toward the center allowing everything to stay low and close. We didn't have to strain our necks looking up into the sky. About 10 minutes in though, my little man gave in to the sandman and he fell asleep on my shoulder. We took advantage of the opportunity and made a quick and silent getaway before the mass of crowds and we were out of that gaggle in no time! I'd say it was a pretty good first Christmas event for my little man and growing family.
His face….both Jellybean's and Matt's. :) 

Hollydazzle Spectacular

Couldn't take is eyes off the lights..except for those times it seemed like he got scared and buried his head in my shoulder. 

Pretty cool how they all pointed inward.

Topped the night off with some ice cream cones at DQ. 


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