Penne Pasta For Baby

He Eats What We Eat 

Baby-led weaning may not be the EASIEST thing in the world, but it sure is fun! There are definitely some days when it seems like opening a jar of pureed baby food would be the quicker/easier option. But then again, my little man is absolutely worth the extra effort. If I'm really in a rush, I'll just pop him on the boob.

I saw on that although American babies consume an average of 600 jars of baby food by the time they are one year old, the WIC program doesn't recognize most jarred baby food as a credible infant food. Interesting….. In addition to this, I did some research on what exactly goes into baby food. Thickening agents such as refined rice or wheat that's completely stripped of it's nutritional value are often used as a main ingredient. Most of the time baby food is extremely diluted with water being the first ingredient! It's all about cost/benefit. also said something pretty interesting…."ever wonder how the baby food jar of fruits and vegetables can be older than the baby itself and still remain nutritious?" *gasp!* so TRUE. Don't let that cute happy baby on the label fool you for one second. 

We aren't the cleanest eaters in my house by any means. Matt and I will indulge in some spam, eggs, white rice, and Aloha Shoyu at least once a month among other not so healthy meals. Definitely can't take the Hawaiian out of that boy! But when it comes to Jellybean, we're pretty conscious of the food we're putting in his adorable belly. It forces us to stay relatively healthy too….for the most part. 

Yesterday I made some penne with red sauce for the my little man and he gobbled it all up! Best part was there are leftovers which will help with the easier/quicker problem I sometimes have. 


1. Sautéed garlic, bell pepper, onions in EVOO 
2. Added tomato 
3. Added marinara sauce 
4. Boiled whole wheat penne
5. Combined it and fed one happy baby! 

Other Meals 

1. Hummus, ground turkey, broccoli
2. Hummus, steamed carrots, baked chicken 
3. Various oatmeal (made with steel cut oats) and fruit combinations 
4. Homemade applesauce 
5. An endless list of plain ole fruits and vegetables 
6. Split pea soup
7. Black Beans with garlic 

Looks pretty happy to me! 
My little elf gobbled up all his pasta like a champ. 


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