Keeping My Milk Supply Up

Supply Issues 

Jellybean is almost 8 months old and going strong on a breast milk only diet. Sure we've been adding real food to his diet as well, but during the first year, babies get most of their nutrition from milk regardless of what types of food mama decides to add to their food repertoire. So, even though he had an egg yolk omelet with cheddar and tomato this morning….an hour later I still nursed my little guy. 

But keeping my supply up hasn't exactly been the easiest thing in the world. I've already mentioned that I "have" to see my little guy during my lunch breaks to nurse him because I can't keep up with pumping the number of bottles he needs every day at daycare. I drop off two bottles for a mid morning/mid afternoon feeding and then nurse him at lunch time. A fear of mine when I went back to work was I'd use up my entire frozen milk supply and would need to pump everything Jellybean needed the day before he needed it. I was getting pretty close to that point a month ago. My frozen milk supply was running extremely low and panic started to set it. Would I have to feed my kid FORMULA?! *Gasp* Perhaps it's my stubbornness…ok, I'm sure it's my stubbornness, but I'm pretty determined to keep him formula free. 

So when Matt's good friend mentioned she had recently had a milk supply problem with her adorable little man, I picked her brain for advice and boy did she save me! The Fenugreek pills I bought weren't working as well as before but she mentioned that there's a liquid form that would work ten times better! And pairing that with mother's milk tea would be the perfect combo to make sure my kiddo stays formula free. I've also noticed that my milk supply goes up and down pretty significantly based on how much water I drink. So…..I tried her advice and I'm noticing that my frozen milk stash is steadily piling up again. *phew!* 

But yesterday, I was thrown quite the curveball. There is a very good chance I have to go to training for five weeks in mid January and most likely won't get to take Jellybean with me. How in the world am I going to keep my kiddo on breast milk during those 5 weeks? I foresee lots of pumping, dry ice, and overnighting milk to Matt in my future. In addition to the SERIOUS ANXIETY I'm feeling over leaving my kiddo for FIVE WHOLE WEEKS. I'm terrified here. I know military moms do it all the time. They deploy for six months and miss their kid's first birthdays, first words, first steps…so five weeks really isn't much compared to six months, or even Army moms who deploy for an entire year if not longer! But that doesn't mean my anxiety over leaving my first baby for five weeks shouldn't be warranted. Being a working mom is challenging enough, and although I'm so grateful that I get to wear the uniform for my country every day….five weeks without my kiddo is going to be my biggest obstacle as a mom yet! 

Mother's Love "more milk" is pretty freaking disgusting. Ok, it's seriously the worst thing I've ever tasted. But…I'll take it 4x/day for my Jellybean. The Mother's Milk Tea is more tolerable but I still chug it. 

Defrosting frozen milk for daycare the next day. 

Exclusively breastfed. I can't believe he's grown so much on just my milk. Amazing what our bodies are capable of doing. 


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