Monthly Traits
Loves Mama's milkSleeps on mom's chest
Hates being put down
Hates Tummy Time
Laughs during sleep
No bottles, no pacifiers
Smiles as falling asleep
Nicknames: Charlie, Jellybean, Bear Cub
Rolled over! Just once, never again
Still hates Tummy Time
Smiles all the time
Hates Bottles
Hates sleeping in crib
Outgrown newborn clothes
Loves colorful toys/funny faces
Nicknames: Charlie, Jellybean, Bear Cub, Char Char, Charzard
LOVES Tummy TimeLOVES thumb sucking
Takes a bottle
Loves bath time
Will fall asleep in crib
Laughs at funny noises
Grabs everything in sight, everything goes straight to the mouth
Loves to touch feet
Scoots like an inch worm
Wobbly but can sit up unsupported
Loves Jumperoo and Bumbo
Nicknames: Charlie, Jellybean, Bear Cub, Charlie Charles
Amor, Thank you for posting an in depth look at Charles. Being that he is Linda's and my first Grandson, you can bet we will be coming back frequently!! Love you, Matthew and Charles, Grandpa & Dad Moran