A Vintage Airplane Baby Shower

Friends From All Over  

I grew up in Washington State. My first assignment was in Arizona, followed by Texas, and now I'm in Virginia. During that time, I've travelled to many places, met many people, and as a result, have friends all over the country. When it came time for my baby shower, I realized just how blessed I was when I took a moment to consider where my sweet girlfriends were flying/driving in from. Washington, Arizona, Florida, Alabama, New Mexico, and my girls living with me in Texas. They came just for a weekend, to celebrate our first baby. Yes I say OUR. These girls are my sisters, and as the first of my closest friends to have a baby, we're sharing this experience of many firsts together! 

Trudi and I have known each other since 7th grade. She is definitely one of my oldest friends! 
Ingrid (left),  I first met in college, even though she went to FSU and I went to UW. Amanda (middle) went to UW with me. Christina (right) I actually just met in the summer of 2013 when visiting Amanda in Florida, but I met her mom back in 2007 in Tucson!  

Going Back to my Roots: My First Love 

Coming up with a baby shower theme was easy. It would mimic my nursery theme. Coming up with the nursery theme was the hard part. After my trip to Peru, I was obsessed with llamas. For a while there, I thought I wanted everything llama related, to include Jellybean's nursery. I quickly realized how difficult that would be! I toyed with a sports room idea, nautical themes, jungle themes, etc. One day it just came to me- go back to my roots! For the longest time, I've been fascinated with airplanes, specifically WWII bombers. This love of aircraft is one of the reasons I joined the Air Force. So when I decided on my vintage airplane nursery theme and told one of my oldest friends Trudi, she simply responded with, "that is so you Amor." It was that response that sealed the deal- of course Jellybean's nursery would be vintage airplane themed! 

Handmade baby shower invites! 

A Baby Shower to Remember

I shared the news with my two girls that were planning the shower, Smelly and Britt. At the time they were excited, but they quickly learned that vintage airplanes, at least the ones I was after, weren't a dime a dozen, making for some difficult baby shower planning/decorating. Fortunately for me, my Texas family is FULL of creative geniuses.  Almost half a year later, the amount of detail and love poured into planning this special day still baffles me! Everything was handmade, uniquely tied together, and captured my vintage airplane idea TO THE T! These girls are amazing and they spent an all nighter putting together a baby shower for OUR baby.  

I think it drove Britt crazy that Jellybean didn't have a name yet. It was six weeks til the due date and my little fella was still nameless. I think that's why Jellybean has stuck with him, and will probably continue to for the rest of his life. I'm sure he's really excited about that.  As customized as everything was for the shower, the baby's name was missing! It wouldn't be until about two weeks before my little man came before we finalized his name. 

Although it was just a short weekend, I'll be forever grateful to the ladies that flew in just for me and Jellybean. It's definitely an event in my life that I'll hold near and dear to my heart. Who wouldn't remember their first born's baby shower??? From the effort put into planning the event, the beautiful details, AMAZING FOOD, and abundance of girls just as loud and as crazy as me running around my house, it was perfect. 


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