Family Photos

My Awesome Addiction

I'm a Pinterest addict. Until my pregnancy, it was all about the clothes, makeup, DIY, and mouthwatering recipes. When I got pregnant, it was about nurseries, baby clothes, and most important, baby pictures! My beautiful friend Brittany is a professional photographer. She's taken couples, gender reveal, baby shower (pictures and *organized*), hospital, and newborn photos for me. Have I mentioned how absolutely blessed I am to have her in my life?? She's the official Moran Family Photographer! I scoured Pinterest for newborn photo ideas. I knew I wanted something airplane themed to go with the nursery, and the vintage plane picture was our "ideal" picture. The one I wanted above all others. But in addition to that one, my love for props and pictures got the best of me and I wanted to capture just about every idea Pinterest threw my way. Baby in a baseball glove, baby with a golf ball, baby posed sleeping on his hands, baby in a name it, I wanted to re-create it! 

Not as Easy as it Looks 

Britt came to my house with her slew of newborn props, we set everything up in the nursery, and we were ready to go. Jellybean on the other hand, was not. In order for her to get the images moms want of their babies, the baby has to be asleep. No problem during those first few weeks right? That's all babies do at that time right? NOPE! Not my baby. In the days that led up to the photo session, Jellybean spent his days knocked out in my arms or in his bed. On the day Britt came to take photos, despite our best efforts to make him sleep, he absolutely refused! I saw my perfect Pinterest photos quickly and surely fading away. 

Britt is a professional though and she was able to snap a few photos for me, and of course, the most important one- my vintage aviator picture. Sorry dad, we weren't able to get the baseball picture! To thank his Aunt Britt for all her efforts during our photo session, Jellybean pooped and peed on every single blanket we wrapped him in. I'm 100% convinced he inherited his love (please note the sarcasm) for taking pictures from his deal old dad. 

As soon as Brittany left for the day, that mischievous little boy of mine fell asleep and slept, and slept, and slept.... 
...still awake....

We were able to get one sports photo. 

My vintage airplane picture. The ONE photo we absolutely had to get. It came out perfect! 

Take Two

A few days later, Brittany came back for round two of newborn pictures and to take family pictures. Once again, Pinterest ideas danced around in my head. And once again, Jellybean did not cooperate, would not sleep, and pooped and peed on everything. He is his father's son. Despite these hiccups, we were able to capture some wonderful family moments!  I guess that shows just how good my photographer is. :) Brit Brat 1 Jellybean 0. 

Our first official family photo! 


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