Baby's First Beach Day

Life's A Beach

Growing up in a suburb to a major city, beach days were definitely something to look forward to. My family would frequent the Oregon coast during those beautiful Pacific Northwest summers. And even though I'm a hardcore Washington State *everything* fan, I think Oregon beaches are better. But, the one thing the beaches in the Pacific Northwest have in common: you do not go in the water. Unless you want to freeze your booty off! For me, going to the beach means putting on your jeans, UW hoodie, and flip flops for a possible stick your toe in the water moment. It's always windy, it's usually chilly, but fun nonetheless. Us Pacific Northwesterners are eager to find the sunshine in a gloomy day, and that applies to our not necessarily status quo beach days. 

Matt on the other hand, grew up in Hawaii. To him, you most certainly go in the water and then lounge on the beach in a bathing suit. Surf, boogy board, snorkel- you name it, he did it growing up. Whereas my beach adventures included building forts out of drift wood and seaweed while looking longingly at the water, his were full of adventures with tropical fish.  Even though our ideas of beach days are different, we're both still fond of being by the water. It still baffles him that even though it's cold and cloudy out, I want to go to the beach. If every Pacific Northwesterner waited for the sun to come out before doing anything, well, they wouldn't ever do anything! 

First Beach Trip 

Our new home in Virginia puts us right on the coast. Our house is in an inlet on the Chesapeake bay while we're a five minute drive from a beach and the Atlantic Ocean. One sunny Matt beach approved weather day, we ventured out with Jellybean to check out one of the local hot spots. We grabbed a nice relaxing lunch at the old officer's club on Fort Monroe, then walked down the boardwalk to enjoy a lazy Saturday afternoon. This was Jellybean's first trip to the beach and we absolutely had to put his feed in the sand and water! 

Being Pacific Ocean type people, I would have rather had his first beach day on the West Coast,  but, I put my stubbornness aside and little man got to enjoy the wonders of the Atlantic. It was definitely more for mom and dad's excitement than Jellybean's. He was completely indifferent to the feeling of sand and water on his little toes. But like a good first time mom, I snapped about four dozen photos to capture the big moment! Right now, Jellybean's most interested in people's faces and colorful toys vs. his bigger surroundings. 

Regardless, I'm excited that his first few years will be spent so close to the ocean. It won't be long before I'll be chasing him down those sandy beaches! 

Slept while mom and dad got to eat. 

Taking advantage of the pre "NO!" days 

First time at the beach 

First time feeling sand and being in the ocean! 


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