The Second Time Around

Pregnant Again 

They say the second child doesn't get nearly as much attention as the first. They say you'll post half as many pictures and make half as many scrapbooks. They say...they say... they might be right. And I'm still just pregnant. And only 17 weeks pregnant at that but I'm already noticing differences! 

A friend of mine in my squadron is pregnant with her first, a sweet little boy with a name we're keeping secret. Every time she gets a sonogram, she rushes to my office to show me the pictures of her baby boy! When he kicks or makes his alien moves, she tells me. All the first time pregnancy excitement is new and clearly happily plastered on her sweet face. I remember those days.... where I'd just sit and enjoy those faint movements in my belly. Where I'd sit and fantasize about names and fight the urge to shop for the latest and greatest in baby must haves...before I even had the baby! Where I meticulously planned the outfit and hairstyle for the upcoming belly picture... and even then I was only taking them every 4 weeks. Or when I checked 4 different baby apps to tell me what my baby would be doing this week and what size fruit they are. Yeah they all told me the same thing but I was going to read all of them damnit! 

This time around....I'm pretty sure the sonogram pictures from my last doctor's visit are still in the trunk of the car. Not framed, not saved on my phone and blasted to my friends and family. When I get to work and my friend asks me for pics of the sonogram and I reply with, oops I left it in the car, she looks at me like...what? Really?!?! You're not carrying that thing around? Oh dear friend, I've been there and when baby #2 comes for you, you'll be in my shoes now. Belly photos? Well, at least I have the 17 weeks chalkboard all drawn out, now if only I could remember to take the picture! Which requires doing my hair and getting in some cute outfit that I just don't have the time for these days. Shopping for new stuff? Meh, we can just reuse all of Jellybean's old stuff. All I really need is a double decker stroller and a front facing carseat. Boom, done, baby shower? Ha! I don't need one. Sitting and waiting to feel those early movements? Wait, that would require that I actually sit for a while. Um, yeah that's not going to happen, I have a walking one year old that loves getting into trouble but hates being in his baby prison if mom or dad aren't in there with him which means he gets to roam around the house that I refuse to baby proof which means....I gotta roam around the house with him. Sit and wait for baby kicks? Ha, in my dreams. I still make sure I work out, eat right, sleep on my side....all the "required" stuff, but the extras? I can barely remember to put my shoes on in the morning! 

BUT when I do feel those kicks and Tater Tot reminds me that "hey, I'm here too!" I place a loving hand on my belly and picture TWO little ones running around getting into trouble and notice a smile creep up onto my face. And I remember that new baby small, the size of those first diapers (OMG how in the world did Jellybean ever fit into those!), and that sweet face that's ALWAYS sleeping instead of trying to get into the cupboards or the bathroom toilet. Sure I may not have taken belly photos yet, and sure the sonogram pics are still in the car and I haven't even taken the time to look at them, BUT, I know I love this second baby and I can't wait to cover that sweet old man looking face in kisses when he comes. And when those kicks are more than just faint and he makes sure I can feel them no matter who I'm chasing around, I'll take a moment or two or three to say hey. 

Belly poses with Tater Tot have yet to be taken….I'll try to take some by the end of this week so that 17 weeks chalkboard is still valid! Don't worry little one, I promise I love you like crazy. :) 


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