A Mom of Boys

Boy oh Boy! 

When I was pregnant with Jellybean, before I knew Jellybean was a he....well really before I ever got pregnant and just considered having children, I fantasized about ruffles, glitter, ballet class, pig tails....etc. When I got pregnant, part of me wanted a little girl, but my heart knew I was having a little boy. When that was confirmed, I was through the roof excited! When you finally become a mom, the only thing that really matters is having a healthy baby. So this time around, I secretly wanted a little boy (because Jellybean is just so much fun!) and part of me thought that since I wanted a little boy, I was going to get a little girl. Imagine my excitement when at my ultrasound, I saw that all too familiar "turtle" image as they call it and knew that another little boy was growing in my belly! And most importantly, a HEALTHY little boy was growing in my belly. 

Don't let the fact that I wear combat boots for a living fool you for one second. I may have experience firing weapons, throwing grenades, crawling around in the dirt, and using the woods for a bathroom, but I am 100% a girly girl. My toe nails are always painted, I'm usually in a dress if the weather allows, my shoe collection is embarrassing because it's kind of ginormous, and while I don't dye my hair anymore or get mink eyelash extensions like I used to, that part of me is still very much alive and strong. I love fashion blogs and experimenting with makeup (yes, I have all three Naked palettes). I love shoes and purses and am a brand snob. I am very much a girly girl. So why wouldn't I want a little girl right? WRONG. I am beyond EXCITED to be having another boy! And IF - and that's a huge IF- Matt and I decide to try for another one (although let's be honest, we weren't really trying for those first two) and that little one is another boy, I will still be super excited. Being a mom of boys appeals to me like I never thought it would. Sure right now my little one is still too young to really act like a boy, but I see differences every now and then. First of all, he doesn't give a crap if his diaper is dirty. He has never cried over a blowout or wet diaper. Second, for a while there, he just wasn't affectionate or too attached to me. He preferred to play and crawl (no walk) around. I can only imagine the crazy- GROSS, DISGUSTING, DIRTY- things  that I have in store for me now that I'm going to be a mom of BOYS. And I love it! 

Someone said to me that well, now you're going to be outnumbered. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I'm not outnumbered, Matt's outnumbered! Those kids of mine are going to be mama's boys! Sorry dad, but you're the one that's going to get ganged up on. ;) I love the idea of soccer practices, tee ball games, legos and toy cars on the floor, basically all those stereotypical boy things that this extremely girly mama with two extremely girly sisters, has no idea how to deal with. But I'm ready for the adventure! I'm especially excited that these two will only be 18 months apart. While every kid is of course an individual with their own unique personality, I'm really hoping these two will end up more than just brothers but best friends too. I know we'll have a big part in making sure we raise our children to GET ALONG! And if they ever fight over the same girl, well, they'll just have to understand that it won't matter because mom's never going to approve anyway. ;)

So if there's anyone out there wondering if we'll be trying for a girl- no, definitely not, that's not a reason to try for another child. I don't feel like my life will be incomplete at all without a little girl. If we try again and God gives me a little girl, then she's meant to be by little girl (and a pity to any guy who tries to mess with a baby girl who has two older brothers!). If we try again and God gives me another boy then, I am just meant to be a mama of boys and I'll be happy either way. The point is, I love my family and am so extremely blessed to be in this stage of my life where my family is growing and full of excitement, no sleep, messes, and new exciting experiences at every turn. Whether I end up being a mom of just two boys or whatever else the plan is for me, I'll just roll with it because baby kisses will feel just as good and just as slobbery either way. 


  1. I am behind! Yay!! Healthy little tater tot! 💙💚


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