17 Weeks Pregnant

Belly Tracker and Weight Gain 

Well I finally did it! I took some time to take my 17 week photos of little Tater Tot in my belly. I was trying on outfits for our upcoming trip (something I have OCD about...I have to try on outfits before I pack them for vacation). Some new dresses came in from my online shopping addiction and I figured I might as well do my makeup and pose for a picture. I didn't do my hair though....that crazy mess is what happens when I air dry it and then throw it up in a pony tail.

I'm starting this pregnancy heavier than the first time with Jellybean. The weight gain is definitely something I'm struggling with. I was also in better shape before I got pregnant with Jellybean so the muscle took some time to deteriorate. While I've been able to squeeze in a race here and there and try to make time for the gym or a run outside, it's been tough to squeeze in a decent workout as a working mom. When the weather was nice, it was much easier to work my late hours, pick up Jellybean from daycare, and hit the running trail on the base. But then it got cold and dark and by the time I got out of work, I had to pick up the kiddo from daycare and there was no way I was taking him out running in the cold and the dark. So.....needless to say, I'm starting off slightly heavier and in not so great shape.

With all that said, I'm super cautious about how much weight I'm going to gain with this upcoming pregnancy. Sure I could be eating for two and gorge on really unhealthy meals (which I do every now and then!) but every pound I gain now is another pound I will have to lose post Tater Tot. If I didn't think I had time to hit the gym with one baby, I can't imagine how impossible it will be when I have TWO babies! I can't let myself think that I can lose it later and just not care now...because that's definitely not going to happen. You never lose it later! Put the work in now and it's easier later.

We'll see how these belly tracking photos compare to the ones I took with Jellybean.

Pregnant with Tater Tot 
Pregnant with Jellybean. 


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