Late Night Adventures With The Morans

Routine? What routine? 

A year later and you'd think I'd have some sort of bed time routine down. Maybe if I weren't so desperate for sleep so that I could function the next day at work I'd do more to try the cry it out method or take the time to walk to the nursery to sit with my baby or whatever else is out there that guarantees getting the kiddo to sleep through the night. When I talk to moms that don't work, they seem to have kids that were sleeping through the night in "no time at all" and just can't understand why Jellybean is still in bed with us. When I talk to moms that work, they get it! "Hell yeah my kid slept in bed with us otherwise I wouldn't get any sleep myself."  Finally! A friend that understands!  

Our night time routine goes something like this... 
1. Gather as a family at the table to eat dinner. (By eat dinner I mean shovel food in my mouth because if Jellybean goes one second without food in his mouth he starts making very loud annoying noises. THIS KID CAN EAT!). 
2. Give Jellybean a plastic cup with a straw (because we're trying to transition past sippy cups) and watch him get 3/4 of the water on his shirt and high chair instead of in his mouth. 
3. If we're on day 3 without a bath, ok fine, we'll do a bath. 
4. Change into PJs and roam around mom and dad's room while mom watches. These events usually include some pulling clothes out of drawers, pushing the rocking chair, pulling mom's shoes out of the shoe racks, and other mess-making mischievous adventures that he manages to do while looking cute which makes it hard to stop him... 
5. Notice the signs that he's tired and move the adventure to bed where he'll usually play for a little while longer while trying to get at the boob and avoid sleep. 
6. Eventually lay down on mom, cue bed time song! Mom sing's the bedtime song which is really just saying goodnight to everyone in the family in a silly sing song voice. Guarantees Jellybean knockout in under 5 minutes and without a tantrum! 
7. Move Jellybean to the pack N play 
8. IF I have any energy left, sit and watch tv with dad. That happens about 50% of the time, but now that I'm pregnant again and completely drained of all energy, I'm usually out by 2030 too. 
9. 0000-0130 wake up to screaming baby staring at me from the Pack N Play. 
10. Nurse him for 5 minutes, listen to him whine for 15 seconds about not having a boob in his mouth, watch him knock out. Usually with both arms above his head and his mouth open-ugh I have a mouth breather baby! Again, he looks cute while doing it so that makes it ok. 
11. 0200-0530 (when my alarm rings) we are usually subject to kicks in the face, stomach, wherever while my very restless baby wakes up for just a moment, literally sits up, and then throws his body on either mom or dad and repeats this process until he finds just the right spot and knocks out again. Usually his head is on one parent and his feet are on the other. I wish I could record these late night antics because they're quite funny. They happen maybe twice, sometimes three times during that 3 hour period but they don't normally last long and the odd positions he ends up in are amusing. 
12. 0530 wake up and quietly get out of bed. Give baby and husband evil look because they're still in bed while I have to get daycare bags, bottles, lunches, coffee, feed the pets, and breakfast together... oh and there's the showering and getting dressed myself part. After this is done, go upstairs and wake up hopefully not still sleeping but probably still sleeping husband and baby. Why is it that Jellybean sleeps SO WELL between 0530 and 0630? I have to force him to wake up at 0630 and even then half the time he's falling asleep while I'm changing his diaper and putting him into school clothes. Jellybean! If you just slept soundly through the night, you'd be more cheery in the morning! I don't think he understands this concept.... 

And there you have it, our night time adventures. Would it be easier to have him in a nursery down the hall sleeping soundly? Ha. Probably but I'm enough of a zombie during the work day and have a hard enough time finding the motivation to go to the gym that I'd rather he sleep in bed with us where it's easier. For now...don't ask me what I'm going to do when Tater Tot shows up. I was actually talking to someone about that, he's got a 19 month old son and a one month old daughter.... Their sleeping situation was basically the same thing as ours is now since they're both working military officers. He said when him and his wife figure it out he'll let me know. 


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