What's in a Name?

We've done things a little better this time around in the naming department. For Jellybean, his name came around literally a few weeks before he was born. Tater Tot's name has been decided 2 months before the due date, so that's pretty good for us! 

My only real rules for narrowing down names were, they had to be "normal" find on a magnet when we're traveling type names. Mostly because I never found my name ANYWHERE. I actually had a role in naming my youngest sister, and unlike me and my middle sister, she has a find your name on a magnet type of name. Michelle. Yes, I chose the name after a Full House character, what can I say, I was 8. I also didn't want anything too trendy or unisex. I wanted strong masculine names for my boys, but not anything that was on a Top 10 chart. Simple right? 

Charles Richard Moran 

For Jellybean, we were able to narrow down the list to about 5 after all the vetoes. 
1. Charles
2. Max
3. Vincent
4. William 
5. I can't even remember but I'm sure there were 5 names. 

I put things in the order I liked them, with William first and Charles second. Matt did the same but Charles was first for him and William at the bottom. So, we settled on Charles. Added bonus was we'd pay tribute to his French and German heritage with a French/German name. Apparently Charles comes from Germanic Karl, and gained popularity in France after Charlemagne took over everything. Good name to try to live up to Jellybean! The middle name is Matt's dad's name. 

Thomas Joel Moran 

Tater Tot's names went like this: 
1. William
2. Patrick
3. George
4. Henry 

We settled on the middle name first. Matt had very close friend give his life when his helicopter was shot down by an RPG in Afghanistan back in 2010. It was a horrible time for him, Matt had never lost anyone close to him before. This guy, Joel, pretty much excelled in everything he did, sports, academics, life. I had no problem giving our second kiddo such an honorable name with a story to live up to. Now for the first name...we both like Thomas. Tommy really. But there are already so many Thomas Morans in the family! Matt's grandpa's name is Thomas Moran and the same goes for his uncle and his cousin. Did we really want to throw another Thomas Moran out there? Well, why not! Who says Uncle Tom gets to claim that name for his line? Besides, cousin Thomas only has girls, so we'll take it upon ourselves to make sure the name lives on. 

So there you have it, we have a Chucky and a Tommy. If I ever have twins, I guess I'm obligated to name them Phil and Lil. Or if I have just a girl, Angelica. Yeah, I'm trying to create my own band of Rugrats here, but that's ok, that was a cute show anyway. I guess I should check my son's diapers for screwdrivers that they'll secretly use to get out of their playpen and cause mischief. :) 

If we ever have a little girl (and that's IF we ever somehow decide to ever have more than two children which right now is very unlikely), her name has already been picked out so we won't be waiting until right before the due date to settle on one. Actually, Matt doesn't get an opinion on a little girl's name anyway so there's no waiting for any type of settling to begin with. I kind of have this thing about Elizabeth I....and Jane Austen's Elizabeth Bennet is my hero so her name is kind of already settled on. But if I never get to use that name, I'm more than happy with my Chucky and my Tommy Moran. My heart is plenty full and my life more than fulfilling. 


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