
A Trip to Pocahontas-Land 

I love U.S. history, specifically the beginnings of this country. Matt on the other hand is more fond of World War II history, specifically the battlefields in Europe. So if we ever get stationed in Europe, I can imagine he will drag me around to those battlefields, but while we're living here in Virginia, I'm going to be dragging him around to what interests me.....the origins of this country. While Matt drags his feet on coming on these adventures, I like to remind him that we wear the uniform for a living. I only think it's fitting to see the beginnings of a country we deem important enough to pledge a life of allegiance to. We haven't done much historical exploring close to home, we've checked out D.C. and Gettysburg, and Philly, but it's time to start checking out what's nearby. Our first stop? Pocahontas-land AKA Jamestown. Queue fun Disney music now.... because that's what was running in my head while we explored. 

Exploring while Jellybean was still young was a little easier because he would sleep all the time. At the same time, I'd have to stop to nurse him every two hours. Now that he's older, he needs to be appeased more often, but at the same time, he soaks everything in! He's eager to look around and I can see his curious mind working as we expose him to new things. And I don't have to nurse him every two hours as long as I have some puffs or graham crackers on hand. I have no idea how I got from being able to carry my sleeping baby in an Ergo while I explored the monuments of D.C. to having a wide awake interactive toddler in a stroller while I explore Jamestown. 

Check out that happy smile.....

Re-creating a Native American village....looking for Pocahontas! 

Matt loves old ships


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