28 Week Update

Tater Tot Update 

This kiddo is growing so fast! I'm officially just as heavy as I was at 36 weeks with Jellybean. *Gasp* *Cry* *Freak Out!* I was talking to my Commander's wife and she said she gained TWICE as much with her second. My Flight Chief said his ex-wife looked like a house with their second. I'm trying to keep the panic and freaking out at bay....I've taken up spin classes...I'm hopefully going to keep this third trimester wait skyrocketing thing at bay because if I remember correctly, that's when people really pack on the pounds! 

You'd think that running after one year old and working long hours would be enough. Fortunately, I'm extremely fashion motivated and there are way too many pairs of designer jeans and adorable dresses and shoes in my closet that are begging me to put them on again. For anyone out there on Pinterest with me, sorry but I'm going to be spamming you all with tons of fall outfits to motivate myself to get back to that pre-Jellybean weight! In the mean time, I'm going to indulge in a DQ blizzard every now and then. 

The heartburn is ridiculous. I think it was just as bad with Jellybean but I can't really remember. Fortunately, Matt has a ton of Tums and those are helping considerably. 

At the end of the day, I'm super tired and super achy! Long work days and running after a one year old is may not be keeping the weight gain at bay; however, it is working wonders on making me so tired! The constant bending over after Jellybean is definitely catching up with me, but I'm determined to take advantage of his only child status while I can! He's just way too cute and sweet and silly. I don't want to be too tired to not see the incredible personality that's developing right before my eyes. 

Tater tot? Well he's getting more and more active every single day. Kicking me and jabbing at me and making his presence known. Is this a preview into the type of kid he will be? Not one to stand in the shadows and a fighter? I'm ok with that! I want to raise strong active and very enthusiastic boys. I have the silly Jellybean and I can't wait to see what adjective comes before Tater Tot. 

28 Weeks with Jellybean 

28 Weeks with Tater Tot 

With Jellybean AND Tater Tot. I'm such a lucky mom! 


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