Book Review: That's My Son

A Mom Of Boys 

I just read a pretty good book by titled "That's My Son" by Rick Johnson. It's meant to be a book for single mothers on the important role a mom plays in their son's life but also hammers home the fact that mom's need to learn to let boys be boys. I'm the first born of three daughters. My sister has a daughter. Matt only has a sister and she has a daughter. I know nothing about boys. NOTHING. While I grew up with cousins all around me, I didn't exactly play a big role in raising them and have no experience in the art of turning a boy into a man. So, true to form, I go running to a book for help and advice. 

This is the first one on my list of many need to read books on how to raise my son. Granted, I don't take everything I read seriously, but I like to open my world up to a variety of perspectives from people who have been there done that and studied the field ten times over. I especially like this one because of it's extremely relatable examples, ties to religion, and ease of read. 

Boys and girls are certainly not the same, not physically, mentally, or anything -ally. My son is a co-sleeping affection giving snuggle bug who eagerly comes to his mama with hugs and kisses. But in the same breath, he isn't cautious at all. He is a do first learn later kind of kid. Sure I'm sure most kiddos are like that but according to what I'm learning boys are way worse at it and girls are definitely more cautious. And I'm learning that I need to let my little man be that aggressive rough and tumble little boy he's meant to be! 

He plays hard, throws things, splashes, pushes, chases, likes to be chased, he's loud, and he's most certainly in charge. This book focused on teaching mom's to let boys be like that. Instead of stifling that incredible ball of energy he will continue to grow into, I need to find healthy avenues to channel that energy (and yes aggression). It will be there no matter what, and directing it to something positive vs. letting it fester into something negative is something moms need to get ahead of. Always saying "hands off" or "quiet down" or "be calm" to a little boy is asking them to suppress something innate inside them. That natural urge to roughhouse shouldn't lead to trouble if it's directed at safe play, which can make the difference between bullying and boys just being boys. 

I have to let him be rambunctious. Here's where dad comes in, or at least a strong male figure of some sort. Boys need to see how to act like a boy from someone they will look up to, and while it sucks for us moms, that person has to be another man. Fortunately for us, Matt is a sports loving, beer drinking, working out junkie DUDE. I noticed that I tend to me extra protective of him and I read that dad's will be much more easy going. If my mommy radar isn't really going off about some safety issue, I need to back off and let Dad and sons go wild in the rambunctious category. But in addition to using Dad as an outlet to walk on the wild side, Dad is also that example that my little man needs to learn how to be a man. Something that honestly, no woman will be able to teach him. 

While Dad's role in a boy's life obviously quite important, it's a well-known fact that a mother's role in her son's life is just as if not more important. There's a reason they have mama's boys and daddy's girls. The influence a mom can have on her son, or in my case sons, is tremendous! I take that responsibility very seriously, whole heartedly, and with an overwhelming sense of pride. While I know I won't get it prefect all the time, or even half the time, I'll try my hardest all the time and that's all my kiddos can really ever ask from me. 

Hold him a little longer
Rock him a little more
Tell him another story
(you've already told him four)
Let him sleep on your shoulder 
Rejoice in his happy smile 
He's only a little boy
For such a little while 

Found that adorable little poem on Pinterest. You better believe that's going to get blown up into some craft project and get proudly displayed in my house! It just pulls at my heart strings so much. I love being a mom to a little boy and soon to be little BOYS! 

Hanging out at the beach. He loves watching the waves come in and feeling the sand between his toes. 

More interested in his toys than mom's silly faces. 

He's such a goofball. 

I love this chunky face. 

My happy handsome little boy. 

Yes, he still does his baby yoga. 

That's My Son! While reading this book he definitely owned up to everything it was saying. 

I love taking pictures with him. 

He doesn't ever care one bit if he's messy. 


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