Disc Golf

Things Can Stay The Same 

I've said it before, and I will continue to say it. Matt and I are determined to continue to do the things we used to love doing before Jellybean came along. I just don't think having a baby means hiding out indoors. Sure, it's A LOT more work, the elements always play a tricky factor, and there's always that fear that a meltdown in the middle of a public place will result in hateful stares from strangers. You know what, I really don't care. Go ahead and give me the stink eye all you want, my baby is going to experience the wonderful things this world has to offer. I don't work long days so I can hide out in my house all day on my days off. With that said, something Matt and I used to do all the time was go disc golf. I mentioned in a previous post that he is basically in love with any activity that requires throwing an object at a target. Well, that's pretty much all disc golf is. In Tucson we used to go discing every weekend, and we'd take Abby with us. That dog LOVES chasing discs. We taught her to "find" the disc and stand there until we show up. Apparently, we trained her too well because now when she comes discing with us she goes NUTS. If there are people on the course, I have to hold on to her with the leash, and that drives her absolutely bananas. She HATES being tethered to a leash when there are discs flying through the air. I just can't take that risk of her running after other people's discs or possibly getting aggressive with strangers. It's hard though because the sense of accomplishment she obviously shows when she finds Matt's frisbee is what that dog of ours lives for on our disc golf outings. 

Matt and Abby in Texas 

A Bargain - More Leaves and Discing with a Baby 

This last weekend I wanted to trek out to Williamsburg in search of more fall foliage. Three weekends in a row of fall foliage trekking? Yes, it may seem a bit absurd, but I've been in Arizona then Texas for the past 7 years. I grew up in Washington state! I know there's a lot of hubbub about how awesome New England falls are, but Washington colors are pretty darn vibrant and ferocious too.  I knew I needed a way lure Matt to Williamsburg, and it had been a while since we went discing so......off we went to find leaves and a disc golf course! Unfortuatenly, we didn't take Abby with us. I just don't think I can manage pulling a 95lb German Shepherd back  from chasing discs AND hold on to my kiddo. The weather was perfect, cold yet sunny. Our Schwinn Tourismo jogging stroller held up pretty well on the foresty terrain and with all that bumpy off-roadin', Jellybean feel asleep in no time. The daycare calls him a nature baby because he loves being outside, watching the animals, and looking at the leaves rustle in the wind. We try to encourage that in him by taking him out on frequent walks. It definitely helps that we live on the water and the array of ducks, birds, and deer that we see from the backyard can easily satisfy those curious eyes. 

After Matt's 18 holes, I of course plopped my boys down on the grass for some quick pictures. The leaves on the ground are always brown and ugly so I tore a bunch of the nearby trees and tried to make it look like the colorful leaves had naturally fallen around my kiddo. That natural look failed of course, but does that really matter? There was a park nearby with a basketball court so Matt had to show off more of his skills while I took the little man to a nearby slide. He's still too young to enjoy parks, but we have to start at some point right? He wasn't too interested in the jungle gym so we went back to watching Matt attempt to make baskets. He definitely prefers watching people, especially his dad. 
We had to fuel up before our discing adventure. 

My nature baby! 

Our first time discing as a trio.

Our stroller stood up to the terrain pretty well. 

Jellybean knocked out pretty early. He loves off roading. 

My handsome boys! 

I LOVE his dimples. 

Didn't care for the slide too much. 

Watching dad on the court with the most beautiful tree in the background. 


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