Date Day

A Day Without Jellybean? 

We turned this recent weekend into a long four day. Having Tuesday off of work to celebrate veterans day yet coming in on Monday seemed a little absurd, so we opted to take Monday off too. The daycare would still be open which meant Matt and I would have a whole entire day to OURSELVES. OH MY. What in the world would we do with all that Jellybean-less time? The options were endless. Sleep? Go to a movie? A fancy meal somewhere? The opportunities were endless and we opted for......kayaking from the backyard and exploring the bay we live in. Not quite fancy schmancy but definitely Matt and Amor Moran. All the other times we've kayaked, Jellybean has been with us so Matt has had to do all the paddling himself. He was definitely excited about having an extra set of arms available to help him paddle! But before our kayaking adventure started, we had just a few errands to run. Like gorge ourselves on Cracker Barrel breakfast and explore the wonders of Bass Pro Shops. Matt had it in his head that he absolutely had to have rain boots. I guess my recent purchase of purple Hunters had him jealous. ;) 
Well if he was getting rain boots, Jellybean needed some too! Here we are on our "date day" and we're buying things for the kiddo. At least we didn't spend the day talking about Jellybean non-stop! 

Although not quite the skilled fisherman, that husband of mine sure does TRY. So we loaded a fishing pole and some squid in the kayak and off we went to explore the nooks and crannies of our little bay. The jets were taking off and we live really close to the end of the runway. As annoying as I find Air Force pilots.......( I blame my job as their weather briefer) it was kind of cool seeing them from the kayak on a beautiful fall day. I'll never tell them that though! Aside from the noise of their engines, it was a pretty quiet day. The water was calm and we were able to do a little bit of splorin. When it came time to fish, we successfully wrangled up ..... ZERO FISH. We honestly have no idea what we're doing when it comes to fishing. And I was definitely apprehensive about trying to reel in something and potentially tipping over a kayak into the FREEZING water. So secretly, I was glad that Matthew and I are by no means skilled fishermen. I just like casting and seeing how far  I can get the line to go without accidently hooking my husband in the cheek. 

We ended our "romantic" date day with a late lunch at.....Panda Express. I know, we keep it classy with Cracker Barrel and Panda Express. Although it's good to see that Matt and I can still have a good time together WITHOUT the kiddo, once Jellybean graced our lives, nothing really feels the same unless we're a trio. Maybe it's because it's pretty early in our parenthood adventure and the freshness of being a trio still feels oh so good. Deep down, I don't think that's really it though. Being parents has changed us so much.  Sure we loved each other before the kiddo came around, but this new love that we feel for this little man is so profound, I really had no idea my heart was capable of such a thing. And even though it's definitely awesome (and very much necessary) that Matt and I can take a day to ourselves and laugh and enjoy each other's company, there's a wholeness to being a couple with a child. It's remarkable how fulfilled I feel now that I'm a mother AND a wife. Spending the rest of our day with the TV off, phones put away, and the three of us on the floor with mom and dad watching little man scoot around, do his baby yoga, and low crawl to various toys just made the entire day come together.   I can't imagine ending my day any other way. 

I think we go to Cracker Barrel just so Matt can play this game. 

We like coffee with our sugar. 

Outdoor World adventures.

Daddy and baby rain boots. 

Gorgeous day on the water. 

Jellybean-less day on the water. 

My failed attempt to fish!

After Panda Express, we opted for a light dinner of CHEESE. 

I love the pockets on his jeans. 


  1. Waaaay back when, Mom in law Linda & I dropped off Matthew & Samantha at day care or maybe it was pre-school. We decided we'd take a day for ourselves & went to the east side of the island at Kahana bay to enjoy the day on our own. Well, it did not work out as planned, we missed not having both with us & feeling so guilty of not having them with us. We left, came back & picked them both up & continued the day off!


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