Our First Dentist Trip

About a month ago I noticed something strange happening on the roof of JB's mouth right behind one of his front teeth. It looked like something was growing there....fears of horrible things growing in my baby's mouth spiraled around my head. It's so hard to keep those panic ridden thoughts out of a parent's mind! Everything is reason for alarm because we want nothing but a healthy and happy baby and will do whatever it takes to make sure that's the case! Dr. Google can be your best friend or your worst nightmare. I've learned to keep Dr. Google searches to a minimum and just let the professionals tell me what's up with my kid.

We saw our PCM and he couldn't quite figure out what it was so he gave is a referral for a pediatric dentist down at the Navy Medical Center in Portsmouth. Aside from not having to worry about medical care for my family, another wonderful thing about being in the military is we aren't restricted to just our branch of service. The Naval Medical Center has soooooo many different specialties and it's all available to us with a referral. 

The peeds dentist concluded that the way JB's bite is forming is making his bottom teeth cut into the roof of his mouth. There's nothing we can do until more teeth fill in and his bite contines to change as he grows. Fortunately it isn't bothering him or affecting his eating habits at all so we'll just wait and see how his bite continues to develop as his teeth come in. Since we were there the dentist offered to give him a cleaning and teach us healthy dental care for our new kiddo. Of course we jumped on that opportunity! 

Luckily JB's teeth are in great shape. I don't let him walk around with a sippy cup which can affect the way his teeth grow and provide a source of constant sugar or gunk in his mouth. I also don't give him juice. Why give him juice when he can just have the fruit? He gets milk and water. I learned that it's safe to give the kiddo just a tiny bit of adult toothpaste with fluoride once a day, how to floss his little teeth with those throw away mini floss sticks, and that I should only be doing that once a day before bedtime. He also mentioned that when we look for a regular dentist, to make sure to find a peeds dentist, not just your regular run of the mill dentist that way JB gets the best attention possible. Done and done doc! Whatever is best for him, I'm all over it. 

Pics below on our dental adventure. He obviously didn't like being pinned down and getting his teeth cleaned. :) 


  1. Well, it's a relief that you were able to spot that bite early. Yeah, just wait for the teeth to grow out a bit more, then start thinking about the ways that this can be remedied. And of course, it’s better to do that soon.

    Jon Mack @ Gentle Dental Online


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