Feeding a 15 Month Old

He Eats What We Eat 

Baby Led Weaning worked wonders for us. While Jellybean's picky eating habits come and go (one day he likes broccoli, the next day he doesn't) he's actually a really good eater. But what do I know I'm a first time mom still. According to the daycare though, this kid of mine is an excellent eater and they see all sorts of kids all the time. He's always asking for seconds and thirds! We don't typically make anything special for Jellybean when it comes down to sitting together and eating as a family. Sometimes we'll omit an item from our menu but for the most part, he eats what we eat. I worry sometimes that I'm not getting him the nutrition he needs in terms of as many helping of fruits and vegetables (mostly it's vegetables) but he seems to be growing right on track. We continue to fight with him on whole milk. He seems to go through phases where he loves the stuff and other days he wants nothing to do with it. I bet mixing chocolate syrup in there will change his mind! But that's never going to happen. I don't even give the kid juice. 

We're still working on the proper use of utensils. But that will come with time. Right now he's an excellent finger food eater. I remember when I gave him that first avocado and he had no idea what to do with it! I think 5% went in his mouth, 59% on the floor for Abby, and the rest on his clothes. Some foods are definitely more messy than others and he still loves to feed the dog. It's getting quite annoying but I'm glad he's learning to share...... 

When we go to a restaurant we'll usually pick an appetizer that Jellybean can eat and I'll bring some snacks for him. Sometimes I'll ask for a side of fruit or cut up tomatoes. Steamed veggies are usually a bust and it gets spit on the floor. Every now and then I'll pick something from the kid's menu but it's so unhealthy! Chicken fingers, pizza, fries, Mac N Cheese (which he LOVES) but I always hesitate with these items and just go for something on the appetizer list or pick out grilled chicken and some veggies from my salad to give him.


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