Learning is Fun

I'm always looking for ways to get Jellybean to learn in fun and exciting ways that will keep him happy yet fine tune his development. Putting things into other things seems to be a common activity for kids his age. I just took an empty peanut can, some paint, and tiny craft balls, put a hole in the lid, showed him what to do just once, and away he went replicating what he just saw. Teaching him things is so fun right now because he's in that copy me phase. He also responds really well to positive affirmations....he loves to be praised when he does something good. Something his dad still likes at the ripe old age of 31. JB also gets frustrated easily when he doesn't get things right away...also very much like dad. These two are so similar it's crazy! Anyway, I want to find more fun and creative ways to encourage toddler learning. I've recently been reading up on "tot school" and I'm excited to try it. Sure I'm a working mom, but that doesn't mean I'm going to wait until my kid is in pre-school before I show him a learning environment. Everything starts and ends at home right? Stay tuned for tot school activities!


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