32 Weeks

Oh 32 weeks....let the complaints start! Being pregnant, aside from the no wine no sushi no coffee, no energy thing isn't that bad. I really don't mind it, until I hit the 30-32 week mark. Then things seem to go downhill and I want time to speed up so I'm no longer experiencing these "symptoms" but at the same time...I don't want time to speed up because I never feel like I'm ready for a newborn.  

Things I'm currently struggling with: 

EXHUASTION! I am so tired, ALL THE TIME. Even though JB doesn't keep me up at night anymore, I still can't manage to get a good night's rest. Why? Oh you know, typical being uncomfortable because I'm the size of a small house issues. What I'd give to be able to lay on my back comfortably. I didn't realize it was possible to feel like passing out when you're already laying down, but try laying down on your back in your third trimester. You'll feel like passing out.  I'm definitely more tired this time around, partly because I have a toddler to chase and partly because I'm in my third trimester in the middle of summer. I wake up every few hours because I'm either uncomfortable or have to use the bathroom. Just when my kid starts sleeping through the night, my ability to do the same stops. 

HEARTBURN: This is my most hated symptom. It was last time and it is this time. 

PEE PEE PEE: There are so many times I feel like my bladder is going to explode and then I go to the bathroom and two drops come out. TMI? Sorry.  I especially love when this happens at work and I have to go across the building to use the bathroom. And I love that coughing, sneezing, or laughing to hard can result in a little trickle. SMH. 

SWOLLEN FEET: I didn't have this last time, but again, I'm chalking this symptom up to summer in Virginia. Towards the end of the day, my feet are aching to be out of those combat boots. Yeah, I'm stubborn, I won't wear tennis shoes in uniform. It looks ridiculous and I just refuse! 

WEIGHT GAIN: Oh weight gain....this is around the time in my pregnancy that I start dreaming of working out rigorously. I've already signed up for my first 5K,6 weeks after Tater Tot's due date. I'm anticipating that I'll be walking most of that. I'm debating a 10K at the end of October but that might be too ambitious.  I just want to fit into those cute fall clothes I have before the winter bundling begins. Let's face it, fall and spring clothes are by far much better than winter and summer clothes. 

SHAVING: Why should I even bother? Let's add painting my toe nails to this. I tried it a few weeks ago and that was a fiasco, it looked like JB painted my toe nails. At least I can get a pedicure for that. Maybe Matt can shave my legs for me. 

MOVING/WALKING/STAIRS: Anything that requires using my legs. But hell, after some time, even sitting gets uncomfortable and I have to stand up and move around. There's just no winning here. Let's face it, I'm going to be uncomfortable no matter what. 

Things I don't mind: 

BRAXTON HICKS: Sure it's uncomfortable, but it's my body's way of preparing for labor and let's me know that things are on track. 

BABY KICKS: Yeah, a jab in the ribs can take me by surprise every now and then but I could never complain about a summersaulting ninja kicking active baby inside my belly. It shows me that he's healthy and practicing those silly newborn movements I'll soon get to watch in person. Briefing the Wing Commander and suddenly getting kicked in the side in the middle of a briefing gets kind of interesting but they're pretty understanding. 

LIMITED FOOD: I miss sushi and Jimmy Johns and beer (especially in the summer!) but it's 9 months of sacrifice for a lifetime of joy. I already told Matt I want a Jimmy John's beach club waiting for me right after Tater Tot comes out. 

MORNING SICKNESS: I got nauseous but never had any major puke sessions. 

LINEA NIGRA: It's making a come back! But it goes away so I'm not stressing it too much. It just looks so silly! 

TOUCH MY BELLY! I don't mind this because nobody does this to me. I can't imagine some random stranger walking up to me and trying to touch my belly. Maybe God knows not to let that happen because I would most likely punch them in the face. I have no issues with friends and family wanting to feel Tater Tot kick but a stranger? Does that really happen? I've seen moms complain about it. Maybe I just have this "stay away from me" look on my face that deters strange women from trying to touch me and I'm not complaining about it. 

Something I love about the 32 week mark? HOME STRETCH! While I will never feel like I'm ready to handle a newborn let alone TWO kids under the age of two.....there's so much joy in my heart when I think that I will have two sweet handsome loving children in my life. I'm so excited about that newborn smell and sweet newborn sleeping coo. What I'd give to comfortably place JB on just my forearm and have him rest there, sleeping soundly once again. I knew it went by fast but holy cow it WENT BY FAST. I never took it for granted the first time and I am so excited to experience the newness of motherhood all over again with Tater Tot. No amount of losing myself in those adoring moments will ever make it feel like time slows down because I know it won't be long til I'm in this position again and I'm writing about Tater Tot climbing up the stairs after his big brother. 

At my 32 week doctor's appointment, my doc said "see you in 4 weeks, if you make it that far!" EEEKKKK. She seems pretty sure that since I had such an easy time having JB at 36 weeks, I'll probably do it again this time around. Excuse me doc, but Matt is out of town when I hit 36 weeks. Let's make that 37 weeks and I'll be happy! But who knows, I'm sure Tater Tot has his own plans. I already know these boys are going to keep me on my toes and I can't wait! 

32 Weeks with Jellybean 
32 Weeks with Tater Tot 


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