A Nursery For Two

A Room For A Jellybean & A Tater Tot 

We have this great big house on the water in Virginia with all these bedrooms and I'm going to lump my two boys in one room? Yeah, that's the plan. Let's face it, Jellybean is 15 months old and he still sleeps in mom and dad's room. The nursery is used for storing his books, toys, clothes, and diapers. He sure does love to play in there though! I recently went about re-organizing Jellybean's nursery so it's Jellybean AND Tater Tot friendly though. 

First, I had to take the piles and piles and piles of outgrown baby clothes out of the boxes and bags in the garage, wash them, and organize them into sizes. Before, when JB would outgrow something, I'd just put it in a box and leave it in the garage. I wasn't expecting I'd have to go through them all again so soon! This time around, I'm going to be keeping their clothes much more organized. Everything is in the nursery and hopefully easily accessible. I was able to fit Jellybean's 18-24 month clothes that he wears now as well as Tater Tot's 0-6 month clothes in the closet. I had to hang two new shelves in there to accommodate the need for more clothes! I have bins (staying in the room since the clothes are washed and sorted) for 9 months and 6-12 months at the ready. I also re-organized the dressers for those adorable little swaddlers and infant PJs that my little man has since outgrown. And the sock drawer? I have no idea how JB's feet ever fit into those tiny little newborn socks! I took all those cute baby shoes that JB never wore and always kicked off and organized them in bins in the closet as well.  Fortunately, these "upgrades" didn't cost very much since just about everything came from the Dollar Tree! They have great stuff for organizing and if I wanted something "prettier" I just ran to Target. 

I also took some black shelves that I wasn't using but still had around, painted those blue, and had Matt hang them for me in the nursery. I wanted to free up space in the cubbies and on the dresser for more usable items so I took the "decorative" items I had there and put them on the shelves. The top shelf hasn't been filled yet but I'll figure out what to put there eventually. Probably picture frames with lots of pics of my handsome boys. 

The plan is to eventually put JB in there with his crib and keep Tater Tot in the Rock N Play and then eventually the Pack N Play in our room for the first year. When it comes time for them to both sleep in their own rooms.....I have no idea what I'm going to do! The crib we have now transitions into a toddler bed and the plan was to have JB keep that bed as he grew but now that I have two little boys, I kind of like the idea of them having bunk beds. We'll see where the road takes us, but for now, I'm going to enjoy having two kiddos under the age of 2 running around in my bedroom and their shared nursery. 

I made this mobile for Jellybean. When Tater Tot is born I'll add his pictures to the back of JB's pictures. 

Britt made the "It's A Boy" sign for my baby shower and I just made the canvas print out of things I had around the house. 

Shorty, a civillian I worked with at Hood, made this for Jellybean. 

Storage bins with clothes Tater Tot will grow into. 

Our changing table that I used maybe.....5 times. I can't wait to use that Bumbo again! And JB loves playing with the planes on the bottom. 

Made these clothing size dividers for my boys. Another Pinterest idea FTW! 

Matt put these shelves up for our boys. :) 


A shelf with books, stuffed animals (which JB doesn't really care for), and random baby stuff. 

Using the top shelf in the closet for our hundreds of diapers that we'll need over the next few years. 

More clothes, so many clothes! The bins in the middle hold shoes, bibs, and beanies. 

Socks for Tater Tot and Jellybean. Got the bins at the Dollar Store. 

When Tater Tot turns one I'll get him a Pottery Barn growth ruler too with his name on it. 

Those sliding doors allow so much natural light into my boys' room! 

The mess before everything was organized. I just threw all the boys' stuff in the room. 


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