Travel Series: Austria & Bavaria

Our final weekend adventure in Europe would be.....Salzburg. I wanted to go to different country because...why not? And Austria was the closest one that we hadn't visited yet and driving there would include a trip to Bavaria so it quickly became an obvious destination. We made Munich our home base and ventured out from there. Yes, I know Munich is in Germany and not Austria. I didn't plan out our weekends way before I got to Europe. Between school and student teaching and the kids by myself,  I didn't have the time. It ended up being for the better though because every week Matt and I got to say to ourselves, "what country do you want to go to this weekend?" SAY WHAT??? I mean who does that? That's pretty cool and I'm snickering to myself as I write this because it just seems so silly that we were able to even say that phrase. What country should we visit this weekend?! *Blessed*

Our drive down to Austria from Munich started off pretty shady. The snow started coming down pretty hard and when we got to Salzburg we couldn't see more than six inches in front of us. Luckily it cleared up and we were able to walk around sans blizzard. We saw where Mozart was born, explored where the Von Trapps filmed scenes, and spent the afternoon walking the city. We had lunch at...Starbucks! Joys of travelling with kids. Restaurants in Europe are not very double stroller friendly so we take the most spacious eatery we can find. I did manage to hop into a Jack Wolfskin store and buy a fleece that I've pretty much lived in since the cold weather hit Virginia. Salzburg weather was cold dark and dreary but once again, the architecture made it so picturesque. American buildings just seem so boring to me after Europe!

That night we explored downtown Munich. We discovered our children's love for live music and spent quite some time listening to some musicians in the town square. The boys loved it so much that we bought their CD and basically listened to just that for the rest of our time in Europe. Munich was large and imposing- if we could have spent more time in that city I think I would have found it to be quite entertaining. It was definitely one of my favorite cities out of the entire trip, but that I think seeing the boys' affinity for live classical music might have contributed to that.

We left Munich and ventured toward Bavaria, specifically Garmisch. I just had to see Garmisch because everyone says you have to go to Garmisch. It's the quintessential Bavarian town! And it absolutely was. So adorable! From there we went to see Neuschwanstein castle and got there way too late to make the trek up to the castle but I got to snap a picture from down below and called it good.  If we do ever end up in Germany, I'll have to make sure we get back there because while I tell myself that was enough- the castle that inspired Walt Disney NEED to be explored by this Disney addict. We finished the day of driving with a night in  Stuttgart. The next day we packed up and trekked north to Frankfurt to visit our friends the Kochs. I seriously love that we have friends all over the world that we can visit when we're "in the area." The Kochs are some of my favorite people and even though we only spent a few hours with them, it felt so good to do so.

And that was that. Our last weekend in Germany. It sounds like we practically toured the entire country based on all the driving we did! Ok, not we, Matt. All the driving Matt did. Thank goodness there's no speed limit there because it would have taken significantly longer had our speeds been restricted.


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