Losing the baby weight

The lose weight this year resolution might be the most cliché one of all right? Am I really going to be THAT person? #sorrynotsorry ya'll but I am. I had Henry in September and got down to my pre-Henry weight in less than 3 months which was totally awesome. Woohooo, go me! I lost 15lbs in October, 10lbs in November, and 5lbs in December. UGH WHHHHYYYYYYYYYY. Sure, the Holidays probably had something to do with, and also going back to work and not having as much time to go to the gym during the day, and possibly the shorter days meaning less walks/runs because we leave the house for work and it's dark and we get home after work and it's dark. The excuses can go on for days. I could work out more when the kids go to sleep but that would mean that Henry cooperates and goes to sleep when the older two do. And that also would mean that I don't fall asleep with Henry because that's what happens 75% of the time. Unless I have homework to do, in which case, I make Matt wake me up if I do fall asleep so I can knock out homework. So, clearly my after the crazies are in bed time is challenging. I could work out more in the morning before the kids get up but I already wake up at 0500 ya'll. But if I want it, I'll make time for it right? I just need more energy! And perhaps more hours in the day...

I recognize that my "pre-baby" body is looonnng gone. My feet are bigger (gasp!) my hips are wider...and let's not even talk about the boobs. I'm pretty sure I have loose skin from getting so big with each progressive baby as well. Once I lose as much of my gut as I can, I'll know for sure. And I am not one to be against a mommy makeover surgery either! I just want to do my part first...and then consider losing the excess skin and lifting up the sagging boobs. I might not ever fit into those Pre-Charles clothes the same way but I'd like to at least get back to that level of fitness and reduce the excessive flab that just keeps lingering. After I had Charles, I lost it all super fast- in less than 4 weeks. I assumed the same would happen when I was pregnant with Thomas and I didn't care about maintaining my fitness as much. Whoops. Didn’t come off as fast, actually, didn't really come off and for the year after I had Thomas I was 25lbs over what I was after I had Charles.  So, I'm back to that weight going into 2018- actually I'm a little less than my pre-Henry weight right now and I'm going to try my best to lose that last  stubborn 20-25lbs. Would I love to get back into all those clothes I have that still have tags on them? Yes!! This fashionista wanna be mama wants to dress cute again. I say that now but let's be honest, I'm going to wear what's easy to breastfeed in. BUT once I'm done breastfeeding, let the fun clothes come...as long as they're boy mom friendly. 

Fitness and healthy weight management are so much more than having fun with fashion and being confident in an all white workout ensemble from Lululemon- it's being a positive example for my kids, it's ensuring I can run around with my grandkids if I ever let my boys date let alone get married, it's a way to help guarantee Matt and I can enjoy an active retirement that's hopefully filled with travel and foodie adventures. Fitness is so important ya'll. Wellness is so important, we have to take care our bodies! So, the point of this rant is to post my "before" pics and use social media to motivate me. Will I lose all 25lbs? Maybe, maybe not- maybe I'll get to a point where I feel like I can just focus on maintaining- but I'm definitely not there now. I'm super excited to use the Young Living Slique line to help me reach my goal (cue sleazy sales pitch). I have never tried these products before (yes I've checked to make sure it's ok for nursing moms, yes if it at all affects my milk supply or Henry I will stop and let you know) but based on my research and some doc discussions- I have the green light to give it a try. Standby for updates-I'll give you the dirty truth I promise. Yes I'm a YL distributer and would love to share my new found obsession with wellness and these awesome products with you, but I'm also trying to reach a goal I've had for a while now. Lose that last 25lbs! Will these products work? I honestly have no idea- yes I know it's a combo of these products AND healthy eating/working out. There's no miracle pill- although I did have awesome results from OxyElite Pro before they changed the ingredients because people were abusing how well the product worked. What I like about this Slique line is that it can't be abused like that because the products aren't filled with chemicals and toxins. But man...my OxyElite bod before we went to Hawaii was pretty awesome...but I'm trying to move to toxin free living here so Slique it is! I promise I'll be honest how this stuff makes me feel, post results every 30 days, and not be annoyingly sales-y. I just want to share my experiences and if you want to join me in that endeavor after I've had a guinea pig run at it, then let's do this! See ya later flab.

Pic taken 28 December 2017- ready to lose that last 25lbs

Awesome starter kit for new members. Wish I could get my hands on this!

preggo with Charles
prig with Thomas

preggo with Henry


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