
Showing posts from June, 2015

Learning is Fun

I'm always looking for ways to get Jellybean to learn in fun and exciting ways that will keep him happy yet fine tune his development. Putting things into other things seems to be a common activity for kids his age. I just took an empty peanut can, some paint, and tiny craft balls, put a hole in the lid, showed him what to do just once, and away he went replicating what he just saw. Teaching him things is so fun right now because he's in that copy me phase. He also responds really well to positive affirmations....he loves to be praised when he does something good. Something his dad still likes at the ripe old age of 31. JB also gets frustrated easily when he doesn't get things right away...also very much like dad. These two are so similar it's crazy! Anyway, I want to find more fun and creative ways to encourage toddler learning. I've recently been reading up on "tot school" and I'm excited to try it. Sure I'm a working mom, but that doesn't

Frozen Yogurt Face

Besides smoothies another go to post daycare pre-dinner snack for Jellybean has recently been frozen yogurt. I get some Yo-toddler organic yogurt (in the squeeze tube form) pop it in the freezer, and when we get home JB gets a sweet frozen little treat. I figured he'd like it since he likes yogurt and this was a less messy version for my kiddo, but I wasn't prepared for the faces he would make when the cold stuff hit his lips, teeth, and gums. Luckily, I had my camera handy and could capture those funny faces. It looks like he doesn't like it, but trust me, he does. When he finishes the tube he gets upset and asks for more!

32 Weeks

Oh 32 weeks....let the complaints start! Being pregnant, aside from the no wine no sushi no coffee, no energy thing isn't that bad. I really don't mind it, until I hit the 30-32 week mark. Then things seem to go downhill and I want time to speed up so I'm no longer experiencing these "symptoms" but at the same time...I don't want time to speed up because I never feel like I'm ready for a newborn.   Things I'm currently struggling with:  EXHUASTION! I am so tired, ALL THE TIME. Even though JB doesn't keep me up at night anymore, I still can't manage to get a good night's rest. Why? Oh you know, typical being uncomfortable because I'm the size of a small house issues. What I'd give to be able to lay on my back comfortably. I didn't realize it was possible to feel like passing out when you're already laying down, but try laying down on your back in your third trimester. You'll feel like passing out.  I'm definitely

The Many Faces of Jellybean

I know I gush about how silly my little boy is but....he's so funny! Matt has been on an inspection down in sunny Florida this week so it's just been me and Jellybean. Working a full day and having to take care of a toddler while 8 months pregnant is no easy task! Going up and down the stairs just to get into the front door or the car is getting quite difficult. When we go upstairs to the bedroom I quit carrying JB. I wait for him at the bottom of the steps, he holds out his hand, and he practices walking up the stairs like a big kid. When we get to the daycare I have him walk down the long hallway, after a pit stop at the water fountain of course. This kid loves the water fountain! As my belly grows, it's getting much harder to carry all 25lbs of JB, but I try when I can because I love this kid so much. While it's getting more challenging as my mobility gets restricted, hanging out with him at the end of the day, when it's just the two of us, is still the highlight

Feeding a 15 Month Old

He Eats What We Eat  Baby Led Weaning worked wonders for us. While Jellybean's picky eating habits come and go (one day he likes broccoli, the next day he doesn't) he's actually a really good eater. But what do I know I'm a first time mom still. According to the daycare though, this kid of mine is an excellent eater and they see all sorts of kids all the time. He's always asking for seconds and thirds! We don't typically make anything special for Jellybean when it comes down to sitting together and eating as a family. Sometimes we'll omit an item from our menu but for the most part, he eats what we eat. I worry sometimes that I'm not getting him the nutrition he needs in terms of as many helping of fruits and vegetables (mostly it's vegetables) but he seems to be growing right on track. We continue to fight with him on whole milk. He seems to go through phases where he loves the stuff and other days he wants nothing to do with it. I bet mixing cho

A Nursery For Two

A Room For A Jellybean & A Tater Tot  We have this great big house on the water in Virginia with all these bedrooms and I'm going to lump my two boys in one room? Yeah, that's the plan. Let's face it, Jellybean is 15 months old and he still sleeps in mom and dad's room. The nursery is used for storing his books, toys, clothes, and diapers. He sure does love to play in there though! I recently went about re-organizing Jellybean's nursery so it's Jellybean AND Tater Tot friendly though.  First, I had to take the piles and piles and piles of outgrown baby clothes out of the boxes and bags in the garage, wash them, and organize them into sizes. Before, when JB would outgrow something, I'd just put it in a box and leave it in the garage. I wasn't expecting I'd have to go through them all again so soon! This time around, I'm going to be keeping their clothes much more organized. Everything is in the nursery and hopefully easily accessible. I wa