My Kissy Valentine

Another Pinterest Inspired Activity 

I got home from my 5 week trip to Alabama at 2300 on 13 February. Needless to say, I didn't have much time to plan some big fancy Valentine's Day activity/photo shoot with Jellybean. Luckily, Pinterest always has great quick ideas and when I spotted this fun kiss covered baby picture, I was immediately sold on re-creating it with my little man. I used Mac lipstick in Brave Red. My absolute FAVORITE bright red lipstick. Why would I use crazy expensive lipstick to cover my little man in kisses only to wipe it off minutes later? Because he's worth it that's why! And it didn't wipe off minutes later… amount of baby wipes, breast milk (yes I tried breast milk) and even a warm soapy bath took that stuff off my little one. I scrubbed his face pretty good but I'll admit, 4 days later…there are still hints of lipstick on those rolly polly legs of his. It'll come off eventually…. and he's not developing any kind of negative reaction to it, so the lips stay! 

A Very Romantic Afternoon

Just kidding, how romantic can things get with a 10 month old around anyway? Romantic or not, time with my family is exactly how I want to spend all day any day so I was happy either way. Matt and I were never big on making some big deal out of Valentine's Day. His only rule from me is there better be flowers! And of course there were. Not roses- but a colorful bouquet of assorted flowers. I think roses lack personality so I'm grateful that man of mine knows my tastes! We started the afternoon with a candlelit dinner at….. Red Robin. He wanted burgers and I hadn't had that place in FOREVER. 

The restaurant was close to the Virginia Beach Aquarium so off we went to see the fishes. Jellybean LOVED banging on the glass. I'm not sure if he was getting a kick out of the fish or his reflection or just banging on something but either way, watching him made for one exciting afternoon. 

We finished our romantic day with Chinese take out for dinner. :) And I'm a total sucker for those silly souvenir photos you get at tourist locations. I get them EVERY TIME! 


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