Two Month Old Tater Tot

My 2 Month Old Tater Tot

Weight: 12.5lbs

Height: 22.5 inches

Birth Weight: 8.5lbs

Birth Height: 21 inches

He's growing and growing and growing!

What can I say about my two month old? Things are so much more simple with this one! I just wrote the 18 month post on Jellybean and there are so many activities and behaviors and foods I can write about when it comes to my toddler. For my baby? Life is so much more simple, the challenges minimal, the cuddling plenty.

Food? Mama's milk! That's all he gets and that's all he'll know until he reaches 6 months. I am an exclusively breast feeding mama and very proud of it. I work hard to make sure my little one is getting the best start at life, and that first step is making sure his body is getting the best nourishment there is. Even if it means altering my schedule around nursing/pumping for the next year, we're going to do it because it's worth it! I have a pump at work and I have a pump at home. If I'm out for a while, I bring a cooler with ice and my portable pump to make sure that I keep the supply going. It's a lot of work sometimes, but I can't imagine NOT giving my kid breast milk.

Baby smiles.... such a simple action yet it gives us  so much joy. I feel  so proud of myself when I get my kid to smile, and I know Matt does to. It's so rewarding! He doesn't know very much about the world at this point in his very young life, but he does know that when he sees mom and dad, it elicits a good feeling that brings on a sweet, pure, honest smile. As a mom, knowing I can give my baby something to smile about fills my already full heart.

Baby farts. OH MY GOODNESS. Tater Tot has the worst smelling farts ever. They could seriously clear a room! I have no idea how that horrendous smell comes out of something so small and sweet. He doesn't have bowel movements every day which concerned me at first, but I guess it can be the norm with breastfed babies. We often go 4-5 days without a bowel movement.  Doctors aren't concerned so neither am I.

Daycare. This is something we are struggling with. It took JB time to get used to daycare, a few weeks. Babies love routine, they thrive on routine. TT was home with me for 6 weeks and now he's trying to get used to these new providers, a new location, new smells, mom not around, and a bottle. The break weekends gives re-sets his adjustment clock. The four day weekend we had because of the flooding was terrible for him! He's struggling getting used to daycare again. All this breaks my heart so much. Knowing he's having a bad day and I can't do much about it because I have to be at work. I pop in to visit him or nurse him when I can, especially since my milk stash in the freezer could seriously get depleted if I don't supplement with visits during the day. I can't complain much about that, I get to see my kid during the work day. We are also struggling with getting him to take a bottle, which means he doesn't eat much while he's at daycare. He isn't responding well to the Tommy Tippee bottles we used with JB. Yesterday, we switched to the Medela bottles, so we'll see if he takes those a little better. I know it's just going to take consistency and he'll get used to going to daycare during the week and being home with us during the weekends. But until we get to that point, I stress out about it probably more than I should. But what mom wouldn't be worried about her kid adjusting to a new environment? We'll just keep on going in this direction and in a few weeks I hope he gets as comfortable at daycare as big brother did. He's taking longer to adjust than big brother, but my kids are individuals. What worked for one won't necessarily work for the other.

Cuddles. I love that the only thing I need to do to keep this boy happy is hold him. He's perfectly content in my arms and I am perfectly content holding him, smelling him, kissing him, and adoring his sweet face. It's so easy to please this kid. He's starting to take an interest in colorful toys, especially ones that are hanging right in front of his face. He's also starting to take interest in toys that light up, but only for a short period and then I think it becomes too overwhelming. He loves watching people, whether it be me, dad, big brother, or the other babies at daycare. Faces and people are definitely at the top of his entertainment list.

Sleeping. Holy cow this kid is such an incredible sleeper! He sleeps like a champ and I am so lucky because of it. Unfortunately, JB's sleep regression makes getting a good night sleep harder than having a 2 month old again. Don't get me wrong, he doesn't sleep through the night or anything. He squirms for a little bit and I'll just nurse him and he's knocked out again within minutes. Half the time I don't even have to nurse him, just a few pats on the butt and he's good to go. Yes, we are co-sleeping with this one too. It makes it easier to settle him and takes less time. As working parents, we need all the sleep we can get!

I feel like these 2 months with my baby have flown by so fast. And yet, I've already reached the point where I can't imagine NOT having him in my life, like he's always been around. A piece to the puzzle I didn't know I was missing but now that he's here, it feels like he's always been meant to be mine. I'm doing my best to cherish these early months as much as I can because they will continue to fly by. It's harder since I have a toddler to look after as well, but I make it work. 

Middle of the day nursing session. :)

Sleeping so well in his rock and play

Sleeps even better in my arms though.

It's October so it's time to break out the pumpkin beanie!

Goofy side coming out already.

Staring at this face for hours....

Baby bro and big bro. Love these two so much.

TKO'd as dad would say.


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