18 Month Old Jellybean
My 18 Month Old Jellybean
It blows my mind when I have my boys side by side.
They're so different, but they're only separated by 16 months. The amount of
growing babies and toddlers do in such a small amount of time is so impressive.
Growing like a weed for sure! So here are JB's 18 month stats.
Weight: 27 pounds
Height: 34 inches
Favorite Foods
Bananas, teddy grahams, cereal, cheese, grapes, yogurt
(frozen Gogurt sticks), apples, popcorn, carrots (from a can with a touch of
honey), spam!, pasta, smoothies, raisins
My not picky eater has all of a sudden become quite
picky. I'm hoping it's just a phase. We're still working on eating with
utensils, half the food usually falls off the spoon before he can get it in his
mouth but he's trying. He can drink out a cup pretty well. We still aren't
giving him juice, he eats enough fruit, he doesn't need juice. Strictly milk
and water with the occasional sip of lemonade or hot chocolate every now and
then for this kid. He still refuses to let us feed him. While I appreciate his desire
for independence, it makes for long/messy/difficult meal sessions. We have to
watch him like a hawk because he always seems to find something small on the ground
and puts it in his mouth. There are times he just walks up to us with something
clearly in his mouth. We do our best to keep the floors clean, but I'm not
taking any chances. Eyes on this kid at all times!
Favorite Activities
This kid loves books! He's always eager to sit with us
and read a book. He loves counting the characters on the pages, and has
memorized a few pages from certain books. We have a book about Seattle and right when we're turning to the
page with the fish market, he's already saying "Fish! Fish! Fish!"
even before he sees the fish.
Sitting with his brother is another favorite activity. It
warms my heart in a way I never thought possible when I see the love and
infatuation JB has with his little bro. When Tater Tot cries, JB comes running
to "pat" him. When I say "you want to hold your brother?"
he eagerly sits on the couch or the steps waiting for me to put his brother in
his lap. He won't always give us kisses when we ask for them but he will ALWAYS
give Tater Tot a kiss when asked. It's the sweetest thing. While he is struggling
with not getting as much attention as he used to, he never takes it out on the
little person that's taking the attention away from him.
BUBBLES! He loves bubbles. Chasing them, stomping on
them, being surrounded by them.... when we first bought the bubbles about 6
months ago, he wasn't very interested. But now, he could play with bubbles ALL
Arts and crafts. I have a little table in my craft room
for him. He loves to sit there and color with jumbo crayons or play with the
stickers I give him. I'm looking for other ways to get him more active in the arts
and crafts department, but he seems content. I've done paint a few times, but
he seems to be most interested in the crayons and stickers.
Climbing. We have started climbing. Climbing on tables,
chairs, boxes, toys, everything. There are a few places around the house that
we discourage the climbing: the coffee table and the ledge to the bathtub, but
other than that, I'm ok letting my boy be a boy. He needs to know what he's
capable of. Encouraging the climbing and running helps him know his limits,
builds his confidence, and exerts energy to make nap time that much easier! I
still struggle with letting my kid be crazy and rambunctious and drawing the
line for safety and discipline. I don't want that kid that goes to someone's
house and thinks it's ok to climb up the bookshelf, but I don't want that kid
that's too timid and has all his energy bottled up either.
The 18 month sleep regression is no joke! This kid wakes
up a few times during the night just crying and squirming. He used to sleep
until 0500 or even later just fine. I've read that this sleep regression period
can last anywhere from a few weeks to a few months! We're definitely in the a
few weeks range and will most likely go into the a few months.
Tantrums! Oh the screaming, the throwing himself on the
floor, the fake crying, the crocodile tears.... I'm trying to work with Matt on
ignoring the tantrum, any attention is good attention in his eyes even if it's
yelling at him. JB likes to challenge dad's patience though so the ignoring
thing doesn't always work. We'll get
there eventually. It's easier for me to tune out the tantrum than for Matt. While
we have no problem with spankings, I don't think tantrums warrant one. It's not
a safety issue and it's not a malicious action, it's just him seeking attention,
and even a spanking is attention . Besides, at this age, spankings don't do
much. Time outs and taking toys away are what 18 month olds respond to the
We have overcome the hitting phase. He still does it
every now and then we he gets excited but nowhere to the degree that he used
to. I think the excitement finally lost its luster and he's moved on to other
ways to get his energy out (like climbing).
Right now we're learning numbers. He doesn't know he's
learning numbers, but he's getting used to counting objects/things and
understands that there's a sequence to
the words coming out of my mouth when we count.
He's pretty good at identifying body parts. We try and
reinforce that every day by asking us to show us parts of his body, ours, baby
brothers, or on his toys.
Animal noises. When we're in the car and not singing
along to the nursery rhyme station on Pandora (which he loves!) we go over
animal noises. Dad also does this when he reads "Brown Bear Brown
Bear" to JB. Jellybean's horse impression is my favorite.
Brushing teeth. During our last dental visit, the doctor
said his teeth were great, especially since he doesn't get juice or walk around
with a sippy cup attached to him. He plays with the toothbrush and knows it
belongs in his mouth, but the brushing motion is still being worked on.
Playing on top of our huge box from Amazon. It's full of wipes and diapers. |
Loving on some carrots...and the Seahawks of course. |
He loves to come up from behind me and put his arms around my neck. Usually he's expecting a ride on my back but he's happy just hugging me too. :) |
My mom got us this popcorn maker for Matt's "man cave." JB LOVES popcorn, just like his dad. |
Tantrum fun. |
Climbing on everything, especially things that rock. Makes for fun times. |
Still climbing.... |
This kid is sooooooo very goofy and fun loving. He loves dancing, making silly faces, and running around (especially when you're chasing him). He's got the best personality. |
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